Training and Research: Tips from the Elders

        The training of your skills and research of your spells can greatly impact your future, versus the creatures that inhabit our lands and the humanoid enemies we face in Carendel and the other cities of Olmran. The Elders have graciously come together in order to provide you with some information on how to make the most of the skills you are born with, and future ones you will acquire as you reach higher ranks in the Arcanum guild. Note: Training an armor type is futile, as anything higher than cloth effects your spells and your ability to tap, while significantly lowering your evade.

        Skills inherited upon birth:

        Skill acquired during advancement:
          All of the skills listed above can be trained twice, with the exclusion of hide and crush. Below is a detailed list of how and when to train these skills. Please be aware, this is more of a guide than a strict training regimen. ***Remember, it's YOUR life, in the end it's up to you how you train your own skills.

        Researching of spells (Keep in mind, you CAN research at level 1):

        Keep Fire Law, Wizard Shields, and Light Law all up-to-date! If you still aren't sure of you to research after you've consulted the list of spells, ask the guild, we are here to help.



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