NOW is the time to act!! Today, tomorrow, and the day after. Banner hangings, people with signs at intersections, students leaving school, people leaving work or calling in sick ("sick of war..."), calling our emergency phone trees, telling our places of worship to ring their bells, and all over forms of resistance.

Other cities actions..

March 20, 2003


There is an organizing center at Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Rd, Cleveland, OH.
You can come there to hook up with activities, make signs, pick up fliers and gather with like-minded people.
For info, you can also call in the Day of/Day After phone line: 216-631-2727 ext. 207

Artists Against War - Highway Banner Hanging and Streetcorner Activism
7:30 AM
Various locations
Contact Artists Against War at [email protected] for more info

NION - Youth Walk-Out and March
Noon - Student Walk-Out
3:00 PM - March at the Tower City Quadrant of Public Square

CNVN "Soldiers and Sailors Action - Pre-Action Meeting"
Noon (1PM for Peace Keepers)
Trinity Cathedral
East 22nd and Euclid (park off Prospect Avenue)
For all with specific roles in the direct action (see below) - peace keepers, press collective, those risking arrest, those providing direct logistical support, and those providing leadership for the sidewalk solidarity vigil. (We need a volunteer to make sure those risking arrest get something to eat before the action. Contact [email protected] if you are willing to do that!)

CNVN Non Violent Direct Action
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Public Square (southeast quadrant)
Downtown Cleveland
Cleveland Nonviolence Network will transform the Soldiers and Sailors Monument into a Peace Monument. Be there to offer your solidarity and support by respectfully and solemnly helping us to convey our message that the cost of war is too high, and that we respect the dead by protecting the living. Contact [email protected] for more info. Bail Funds Needed!

NOAC "Day After" Vigil and Open Forum / Rally
6:00 PM
Southwest Quadrant
Public Square
Downtown Cleveland

Candlelight Vespers Service
7:30 PM
Unitarian-Universalist Society of Cleveland
2728 Lancashire Road, Cleveland Heights


Members of the Stark County Peace Coalition will hold a candlelight vigil the first evening following and within 24 hours of the United States led invasion of Iraq to protest the same.

The vigil will be held at 9 pm at the square in Canton (at Market Avenue at the intersection of Tuscarawas Street). A vigil has long been planned anticipating adminstration frustration with the United Nations Iraq weapons of mass destruction inspection process.

All are welcome to pray, express their concerns for all involved and affected, discuss ways to pressure for troop withdrawal, and to discuss how members of the military and their families and Iraqi victims and refugees can be supported in the time of conflict. Participants are asked to bring candles or flashlights. Street parking is available near the square.

Should the invasion be announced after 8:00 pm in the evening EST, the vigil will be held the next night.

Contacts: Jeff Seamann [email protected]
phone 330/493-9755

Judy Byrd [email protected]
phone 330/453-2609


Go to the Federal Building (200 North High St., at the corner of Spring & High, Columbus, OH) at 9 PM and demonstrate against the invasion. (If the invasion begins after 9 p.m., do the above the day after the beginning of the invasion.) Bring signs, drums, puppets, pots & pans, musical instruments, and other props if you can. For more info, contact Mark D. Stansbery, the Community Organizing Center, at 252-9255.


4:30pm. Gather at the Akron Federal Building.

University of Akron Walkout
9:00 tentative meet time at Buchtel Common for those interested in pre-rally flyering
11:45 Walkout of classes
12:00 gather for rally at Buchtel Commons.
Rally will include speakers, music, drumming
March on campus to follow.
Bring drums and any dramatizing apparel/gear necessary. Open to the public--
not just students and instructors.


Thousands of innocent Iraqis will die in this war. When the bombings begin,
they will watch American war planes shock and awe their children, wives,
brothers, mothers, friends; the Iraqi people will see their rivers run red
and their deserts light up with the flames of a thousand hands screaming for
help. And we cannot just sit by and let this happen! We must stand up, shout
out and walk out of our classes! Thousands of people might die and we cannot
be idle any longer!


When: The day after the bombings begin, at 12:30 pm. If the war starts over
Spring Break, it will be the Monday that classes resume.

Where: Walk to the KSC Plaza for a rally against the war.

Why: Because it's the least we can do! Because over 300 Cleveland students
walked out 2 weeks ago, including 80 high school students! Because we cannot
let them kill thousands in our name!

How: If you feel comfortable doing so, announce to the class that you will
be walking out and ask them to join you. The Faculty Senate is against the
war,so it's quite possible that your professor is, too. If you don't have
class at the time, go to a large lecture class that isn't yours and walk
out. These are just suggestions. Let's be creative and brave! LET'S MISS


Cleveland has planned a massive day-after demonstration, and we are going to
join them! There will be a variety of events, from banner and poster making,
to civil disobedience, to marching in the streets.

When: Carpool leaves at 2:00pm

Where: The KSC Bus Stop

Saturday, March 22nd


NION/Blue Triangle
Emergency Meeting to discuss recent attacks on Muslim-owned businesses on Lorain Avenue and elsewhere!
7 PM
Catholic Worker House near Lorain and Fulton


Noon. Chapel Hill area (corner of Howe and Home). A vigil to line the streets of one of Akron's most congested, consumeristic, and car/oil-dependent areas.

Sunday, March 23rd


Unitarian Universalists meeting
10:30 AM
Frost Center, Erie MetroParks, Sandusky, OH.
The topic is "The Patriot Acts I & II" - guest speaker Chris Link from ACLU.
We will follow that with a peace and justice meeting.
We also have yard signs: 'ANOTHER FAMILY/ ANOTHER VOICE/ FOR PEACE" if anyone is interested. It will outlast this war we are about to enter.

Wednesday, March 26th

NOAC-sponsored Town Hall meeting on the war on Iraq
7PM - 10PM
Sheetmetal Workers union hall
3666 Carnegie Ave
Will be updates on war developments, and a free-flowing discusion of strategy and tactics and where we go from here.

Thursday, April 3rd

NOAC Meeting
6:30 PM
ACLU Office
4506 Chester Ave Cleveland
Will be updates on war developments, and a free-flowing discusion of strategy and tactics and where we go from here.
Hosted by