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    Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

    By Corey

    The 2nd game in the series, it is the also the one that strayed from the heard. A completely different type of game then the rest, you saw Link move around in a side-scrolling fashion!

    Graphics: 8

    From the opening screen on you saw nice visuals. The map screen is kind of plain, but the rest has got some nice coloring especially for its time. Most towns look different from each other in their layout and coloring as well.

    Gameplay: 8

    This game is a lot different from the others. There are still dungeons and items to collect, but this time you do the fighting on a 2D side scrolling screen. This game is set up like an RPG. There is your map screen, where you go from town to town, dungeon to dungeon on. As you travel, enemy characters will appear. If you bump into one, you are taken to a screen where you fight some enemies. By fighting, you gain experience points. Getting enough of these lets you get a level up, which either makes your sword more powerful, give you better defense, or lessen the amount of magic used per spell.

    Throughoutt the game, there are 4 heart conatainers which raise the amount of life you have by 1 square. Those are joined by 4 magic containers, which raise your magic by 1 square. Some arep pretty easy to find, while others can take you a while.

    Now I mentioned spells. In this game, you will need spells to get through the game. Some basic ones are Sheild, raises defense; life, refils you life; and fairy, turns you into a small fairy. In order to learn spells, you must see the villiage elder. In order to access the house he lives in, you usually have to find items to bring to the person who lives there. This could be medicine, water, or even a child! Most spells are a must need, so make sure you explore the land.

    Like all the other games in the series, you will need to find an item in each dungeon. Most of the items are needed, but you may be able to get by without 1 or 2. Also, the items you find aren't used in regular combat like the rest of the games though. Most of them are needed are just needed to move farther into the land hyrule.

    Sound: 6

    Not the best sound on the system. The music gets repetitive and boring after listening to it for a while. Sound effects aren't really great either.

    Lasting Value: 9

    This game takes a while to beat. Its not really that big, its just that is kind of hard. The puzzles are a lot harder than in the first game. This is probably the most difficult game in the series, partilly due to the side scrolling fighting. When you beat the game, you can start the game over with all spells and your levels at max.

    Bottom Line

    Even though its the worst game in the series, its not bad. It takes getting use to, but once you do its a pretty good game. If you have never played it and own an NES, try to find a copy, if possible.

    Final Score: 8 out of 10


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