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    Double Dragon

    By Corey

    This was the first of many Double Dragon games to come along, and it established the side scroling fighting genre.

    Graphics: 9

    The character designs are simple, but nice. Every character as their own unique features, such as hair style, facial hair, or even eyes. The backgrounds in the game are great for an NES game. The detail of the background in level 3 especially is amazing.

    Game Play: 10

    You go through the level beating up everyone you see. Thats the whole idea of the game. At first you only can punch and kick. For every enemy you kill, you'll get points. After every 1000 points, you'll gain a new move. A lot of the moves, like the spinning kick abd knees to the head, will be done automatically but others, like the dropkick, you'll have to do on your own.

    There are only a total of 7 different types of enemies in the game. 3 are regular and 4 are bosses. A couple of the bosses will turn up as regular enemies as well.

    Enemies will sometimes carry weapons. These are whips, knives, barrels, bats, boxes, and in an extreme case a machine gun. You can pick up all of them except the machine gun. They disappear after you beat that group of enemies though.

    There is also a fighting mode in the game that is kind of like Street Fighter (and those types of games). You go 1 on 1 with an opponent using moves you can use in the game. Sometimes weapons will show up too. Not really the best of modes, but if you need a break from the normal game this will do. 1 or 2 players can go through this.

    Sound: 6

    There are 4 songs in the game. 2 I liked and 2 I didn't. As for sound effects, not much to talk about. I normally find myself listening to the radio while playing this game.

    Lasting Value: 8

    The game is short. Only 4 levels, and the first 2 are over in a few minutes. This isn't a real easy game to beat though. There is no save feature, you only get 3 lives, and the last couple levels throw everything at you. Even though the game is short, this is a fun game just to play every so often, even after you do finally beat the game. You could always try your hand at the 1 on 1 mode too.

    Bottom Line

    Possibly the best game in its whole series, this game is one that every fan of fighters should try and play at least once.

    Final Score: 9 out of 10


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