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    Bionic Commando

    By Corey


    Released way back in 1988, this game became famous for 2 things. One, the inability to jump. Two, the special guest apperance of Adolf Hitler.

    Graphics: 10

    I consider these the best graphics of their time. Every level is detailed beyond belief for an NES game. Areas 6 and 8 especially outdo themselves. One thing that would have been nice is that when you get new armor, that your character would change color. Oh well. It doesn't effect anything.

    Game Play: 10

    Alright, you move to the right just a bit and find a large pit. You go backwards to see if you are supposed to go that way. Nope, there is water all around. So what do you do? Use are bionic arm to climb upwards! Then you get to the top, shoot a few enemies, and find a lightpost and another edge to the right. So you swing across to the other side. That is the basic method of gameply, and is it ever fun. And yes, things will get more exciting and complicated than the above description.

    Controlling all of your movements is pretty easy. Control Pad to move, B to fire and A to swing. Using your arm at first is a little difficult, but since the first couple levels ease you into it you will figure out how to use it with no problems. And you better, seeing how you are forced into very tough swings just a few levels later.

    In almost every level, you must go into a communication room (or two) to continue through the level. You can communicate with your guys, or to a wire tap and spy on the other side. Beware, since sometimes they catch you and attack! And remember to bring the right communicator with you. You wouldn't want to redo an area because you brought the wrong communicator.

    Beating a level rewards you with an item. Sometimes they are a gun, sometimes they are a type of armor, and sometimes its something you'll need for the next level. In the case of area 6 and 7, be sure to bring the right weapon you you won't be able to do that level at all, and you'll be stuck. If you ever get stuck in a level, push A + B + Start at the same time. This will take you back to the map screen.

    There are tons of enemies. Regular enemies, some that throw bombs, some sit there with a remote control controlling mini helicopter things, and even a man-eating plant (which brings giant spiders along with it...)! Enemies can really get on your nerves in a few levels when you are trying to make critical swings.

    I also mentioned the apperance of Adolf Hitler. To make the game a bit more realistic story wise, he was put in the game as the character Master D. His name is never actually mentioned, but if you click the link to the screens you can see its him. Also, he said the word damn. Now these days, we couldn't care less about that. But back then, seeing that in a game on the NES, some people were pretty surprised to see that. Some have said that made it even a better gaming experience, and it made the Master D character a little more believalbe and I agree.

    Sound: 10

    The music rocks! The music fits right in with the rest of the game. I think its the best music I've heard on the NES. Sound effects are good, but are probably the worst part of the game. Now when good sound effects are the worst part of a game, thats gotta tell you something.

    Lasting Value: 7

    Beating the game in one sitting is pretty easy, seeing as you have to and all. The later levels are hard, but once you beat the game there is no motive to play. Other than that the game is fun to play, that is. This game could have easily been made longer, but what is here is great.

    Bottom Line

    This should be a must own for all NES owners. It was surprising not see a sequel to this game until just a few months ago. Maybe one for the Nintendo 64 or Dolphin will be in order...

    Final Score: 10 out of 10 (This is not an average)


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