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    Wrestlemania 2000

    By Jorden

    I've been a WWF mark for the last 2 years normally for the baby faces but now for the heels (mark = big fan, baby face = good guy, heel = bad guy for you wrestling illiterate), and have gotten every WWF game since. How is the newest for GBC stack up?

    Graphics: 8

    Pretty good graphics you can actually tell who's who on screen and some of the character pics rule. The ring intros look great as well.

    Game Play: 7

    A pretty good career mode where Vince McMahon himself keeps trying to keep you from becoming world champion. Alas it's the same every time, just a different wrestlers in the same matches.

    Sound: 6

    Pretty good sound but not having music that even resembles the real WWF songs really hurt. Good version of the Raw theme at the title screen though.

    Lasting Value: 6

    There is nothing to keep you coming back to this game and you'll need to sucker a friend (like I'm trying to do) to buy a copy of this game if you want to have some long term fun with it. Yes that does mean a link cable mode was included (A WWF first! and also the first for GB!)

    Bottom Line

    WWF Wrestlemaina 2000 is ok to pick up and play every so often but the career mode is only good 2 or 3 times. Link cable mode was a good inclusion but I don't know if it's any good or not because I am the only one I know that has this game.

    Final Score: 7 out of 10 (this is not an average)

    WWF Wrestlemaina 2000 is rated E for everyone by the ESRB.


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