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    Wario Land 3

    By Corey

    Wario Land 2 made a mark in the platformer world with new innovations, lead by the inability to die. Now its sequel is here in the form of Wario Land 3. Does it live up to the Wario name?

    Graphics: 10

    The first thing you'll notice is all the nice colors. The graphics out do most of the games on the GBC.

    Game Play: 10

    The game is set up mainly like Wario Land 2. The main thing is that Wario can't die. Even though you are immortal, enemies will get in your way and make your way through each of the levels a tough task.

    In each of the 25 levels found in the game, you must use these enemies to make your way through obstacles found in each level. Most baddies give you some sort of power, though not all are helpful.

    There are 4 treasures and 8 musical coins found in each level. Because you don't have all the powers you had in Wario Land 2 (you regain them by playing through the game), you'll have to go to each stage a few times to get everything. Another feature in the game is the change from day to night. After you complete a stage, the time of day changes. This effects various things in stages, which means you need to go through most levels during both times of day to completely beat them.

    The in level mini-games are back. Well, 1 mini-game anyway. This time it's a golf game. The object is to get the enemy inside the hole in the amount of stokes allowed. If you don't, you have to redo it. The game can be frustrating at first, but once you play it some more it'll get more fun. There really should have been more than 1 mini-game though.

    The one problem with the game is that there is only 1 save slot. Nintendo really should have put the standard 3 in the game, seeing how many families have more than 1 person who wants to play. This will definitely bug some people, but it's not worth missing out on the game for. However, there is the ability to save in the middle of a stage present, so if you are in the middle of a big stage and really have to go do something, just save and come back to the same exact stop later.

    Sound: 8

    Almost each level has its own music to it. Most of the tunes are worth keeping the sound up for. The sound effects from Wario 2 are back, which isn't a bad thing.

    Lasting Value: 10

    This game will take a long time to beat. 25 stages plus 4 treasures apiece = lots of gameplay time. Finding the 8 coins in each level will be an even more difficult task, and only the highly skilled players, or those that look at FAQs, will be able to find them all.

    Bottom Line

    This ones a keeper. Everything is a step up over its original, which makes this one of the best platformers on the GBC. A definite must own for GBC owners.

    Final Score: 10 out of 10


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