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    Wario Land 2 (DX)

    By Corey

    Captain Syrup and her Black Sugar Gang have stolen Wario's treasures and its up to you to get them back. Will you enjoy saving the treasure or will it be so boring you'll want to leave it alone?

    Graphics: 10

    If you ever played this game on the original Game Boy or GB Pocket and then played the DX version, you will just say Wow! Wario and all the enemies in the DX version move smooth, the backgrounds are detailed, just about everything is right on. WL2 even has some pretty nice cut scenes too.

    Game Play: 9

    Ever what it would be like if you couldn't die in a videogame no matter what you did without a GameShark or some other method of using a cheat? Pop in Wario Land 2 and find out. At first glance, it looks just like a regular old platformer that looks pretty, but you'll notice something very different. When hit by enemies, instead of losing life, he has some strange effect happen to him, most of the time. Want a couple examples? By getting hit by various enemies, you can be turned into Flat Wario, Fat Wario, Hot Wario, Crazy Wario, Zombie Wario, Puffy Wario, Tiny Wario, Bouncy Wario, and even more! In order to get around and find all the secrets in the game, you will need to learn and master the uses of these conditions.

    If you find the treasure door or beat a level, you'll get to play a mini-game. There are only 2 mini-games and both of them get boring after a while. They are fun at first, but having to do them over and over again gets a bit repetitive. They aren't long mini-games though, so they will not take much away from the rest of the excellent game play.

    Sound: 9

    Very good. The music fits this type of game perfectly, and the sound effects aren't bad either.

    Lasting Value: 9

    Once you beat the game, you find out that you barely scratched the surface. You'll find out you still have tons more to do. Even if you beat all those levels, you still need to collect all the map and treasure pieces.

    Bottom Line

    Wario Land 2 was my favorite Game Boy game for the longest time. Even after beating it long ago, I still find myself playing it for various reasons. If you like platformers even the slightest bit and don't have this game yet, go to your nearest store and buy it now!

    Final Score: 9 out of 10 (This is not an average)


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