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    Spy vs. Spy

    By Jorden

    Mad Magazine has been around for Almost 50 years and Spy VS. Spy is one of it's most Popular comics. Spy VS. Spy tells the story of the war between the White and the Black Spy. Every strip ends with one Spy getting killed just like poor Kenny McCormick. How well was this series ported to Game Boy?

    Graphics: 7

    Graphics are not the game's strong factor nor do they need to be. Everything is easily identifiable and both spies are easily black or white. A bookshelf looks like a bookshelf and a desk looks like a desk. When 2 spy's are in the same room one half of the screen turns gray as the other half shows the battle! What more do you want?

    Game Play: 8

    You walk around searching a building for 4 special items and a briefcase to hold them. Unfortunately for you your rival spy would like to leave the building with the same items. B is used to place traps on either stationary stuff (desks, bookshelves, etc.), the doors, or even just the room. A is to check the stationary stuff for your much needed items. Weapons can be found as well and like in real life the knife does more damage than a stick or fists. First Spy to get all items and exit wins. There are 32 different levels and you can play (via Link Cable) against a friend on any of them.

    Sound: 8

    Music that sounds like it came out of a James Bond or Mission Impossible movie adds well to the atmosphere. The Sound effects are what you'd expect from 2 cartoon spies trying to kill each other.

    Lasting Value: 8

    There are 32 stages split among 4 worlds (vehicles) that you must beat. With item locations that change every time you play besides the map you will never get the same game twice! Lets not forget the link cable deathmatch/race to get all the items first.

    Bottom Line

    This is an insanely fun game that even someone who isn't a fan of Mad can get into. Mainly about getting the items before the other spy than being funny. Quite a good way to kill some time.

    Final Score: 8 out of 10 (this is not an average)

    Received a E rating from the ERSB with a warning of Mild Animated Violence


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