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    Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

    By Jorden

    Note: Keep in mind that this is the DX version and not the black and white version.

    This is a remake of the 4th installment of the Legend of Zelda series. I never was a big Zelda fan until the SNES version came out. That game hooked me and this game appeared to be more of the same. After buying the B&W version and playing it to death, what do I think of the color version?

    Graphics: 10

    Originally this resembled the SNES version so much that I thought that it would raise the standards for GB software. I was wrong but with the color they managed to create a game that could easily pass for the SNES version if it was made just a tad longer.

    Game Play: 10

    This game is HUGE one of the biggest games I have played for Game Boy. Its your typical Legend of Zelda adventure so there really isn't much to say here. The new pictures to get add a twist as some of them you only have one chance to get. The new
    color dungeon was a great idea but not well thought out and does not take long to beat.

    Sound: 10

    The Zelda fanfare made it to this game with flying colors (no pun intended)! All other songs and sound effects are extremely good for Game Boy and like I said I was sure this would raise the bar for GB software but alas...

    Lasting Value: 10

    Many different things will keep you coming back. 13 different pics (only able to get 12 in one game) some with only 1 opportunity to get, a new dungeon which you get stat enhancing clothing for beating (start with Green, Red and Blue are your options 1 for each save file...), and an overall fun game that will captivate you and keep you for good.

    Bottom Line

    Like Corey said if you own a Game Boy you must own this game. Of course you need a GBC to enter the new dungeon but other than that you must have some form of this game. Unless you can't stand it in which case I wouldn't get it...

    Final Score: 10 out of 10


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