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    Kirby Tilt 'n Tumble

    by Corey

    Its night time in Dreamland but... there are no stars! King Dedede has stolen them and its up to Kirby to get them back. But what the... he can't walk! How in the heck does this work? That's what I'm here to tell you!

    Graphics: 8

    The first thing you'll notice is that the game isn't overdone with bright colors like other Kirby games tend to be. Nothing looks spectacular, but it doesn't need to be since it would probably distract from the gameplay if it were. The only problem, and this was a fairly obvious problem, is that when you tilt the GBC it is kind of hard to see the screen because of the lack of light. It doesn't make the game all that much harder or anything, but it will lead to a few extra deaths.

    Gameplay: 9

    Wait a minute... did I say tilt the GBC? Why would anyone do that? Because you move Kirby by tilting the system! By using motion sensors, Kirby will roll in the direction that you tilt the GB. This means that you don't use the Control Pad to move, obviously. Snapping the GB up or down quickly with a flick of your wrist will cause Kirby to jump.

    Your main adversaries are enemies, spikes, and bottomless pits. You'll want to avoid these things and you have bumpers, launchers, stars, and other things to do so. Even though the game seems fairly simple, it really isn't because of all the obstacles and items you'll use to pass them.

    It'll take you a little while to get control of Kirby. You'll probably fly off the edge of the screen a few times in the beginning while getting used to the game. After a while though, the game becomes a blast. The best thing is that it is something new.

    If there is one complaint I'd have to mention, it's the fact you have a time limit for each level. I'd like to take my time on some of the levels, but with the time limit I'm a little more rush. Most people probably won't be bothered by it at all, which means I just suck at the game.

    Sound: 8

    In all honesty, I didn't notice the sound. I was too busy being worried about rolling Kirby off the edge of a cliff. This is probably a good thing because I usually can't stand GB music.

    Lasting Value: 8

    The game is short and easy. The thing is, and I didn't realize it until I beat the game, there is 1 red star hidden in each level. If you find all the red stars, which is no easy task, a hard mode appears. You haven't truly beaten the game until you beat the hard mode, which is basically the same game again, only harder. You'll also want to play the game over again just because it's fun. Oh yeah, there are 5 mini-games you'll be able to play anytime you want after you beat the game.

    Bottom Line

    A great idea for a game, and it's done pretty well too. It's new, fun, and fairly easy to play once you get the hang of it. I think that warrants a purchase. Don't let the fact that the cartridge is pink turn you away.

    Final Score: 9 out of 10


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