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    Harvest Moon GB

    by Corey

    I couldn't believe it. There have been all types of videogames made, but a farming simulation? "Who in their right mind would want that?" I said to myself. Surprising to me, a whole bunch of people. This game has become pretty popular, at least for its genre type. After seeing the Game Boy version on sale, I decided to give it a try.

    Graphics: 8

    The first thing I noticed was that there was plenty of detail into everything. Your character is nice and big; the farm around you has grass, ponds, rocks, fences, plus the stable and silos. It all looks pretty good.

    Gameplay: 3

    This game isn't for me. Its that simple. I just could not get into it. I tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, and... well you get the idea. You work the land to get it ready to plant crops, then you plant the crops, then you wait for the crops to grow, then you pick the crops, and then you repeat. There is a little more to the game than this, but not a whole lot. You can take care of various animals, and you have to manage your character so that he doesn't suffer from fatigue. This includes eating healthy meals and getting enough sleep. Many people might enjoy this, I don't.

    Sound: 6

    The music got on my nerves. It sounded like the same thing over and over again. The sound effects weren't bad with noises for everything you do like running and lifting things.

    Lasting Value: 5

    I could imagine the game being fairly solid in this area if you like the game, but if you can't get into it, like me, there is no reason to play it is there?

    Bottom Line

    I think you should rent this game first before you buy to make sure this is for you. Either that or you can try the N64 version that is pretty much the same thing except for the fact it has a lot of extras.

    Final Score: 4 out of 10


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