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    Faceball 2000

    By Jorden

    Gameboy has always been missing something and that is first person shooters. This is one rare gem that just happens to be the only game that is a complete first person shooter availble for Nintendo's handheld.

    Graphics: 5

    Walls fade in when you get really close kinda like the fog effects on N64 only much worse. Everything is a little on the blocky side but what else do you expect from a 9-year-old game.

    Game Play: 7

    A very slow moving First Person shooter where you must shoot other smiley faces or variations on that theme. The best remedy for this situation is to find some speed boosters immedatly, as they will last until you shut off the game.

    Sound: 6

    There are only a few songs and sound effects but once again what do you expect from a 9-year-old game. The only sounds are good and don't get annoying though.

    Lasting Value: 8

    With over 50 (highest I've gotten) 1 player levels and the ability to death match against up to 8 simultanous bots with 4 varying difficulties for each, and 15 d-match levels this game will keep you busy for a while. Also one thing I have heard but am unable to confirm is that if you have 16 of the big old brick gameboys, 16 copies of the game, 4 4-player adapters, and a whole bunch of link cables you can have a 16 player deathmatch!

    Bottom Line

    This is a really fun game that is a first on Game boy and is actually one of the best titles on the gameboy from 1991. If you can find a used copy don't hesitate to buy it.

    Final Score: 8 out of 10 (this is not an average)

    Was released before the ESRB was formed so there is no rating but it is safe to assume it would receive an E or very unlikely a T.


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