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    Duke Nukem

    By Corey

    Duke Nukem for the GBC is just like Duke Nukem 1 & 2 for the PC. If you have ever played those, you already know what this game will be like for the most part. This graphics of this game are pretty good. For the most part everything is detailed according to the enviornment you are in. The enemies look good, as does Duke. The sound is decent, but the music does get a little old. It never caused me to turn the sound all the way down, however. The game itself has 21 levels, 4 or 5 being boss battles. Those levels are short, but the other levels are pretty long. You won't be done with this game in an hour.

    Even though I enjoy this game, I have a one very small problem with it, and that is how the weaponm system works. When you pick up a weapon in level 6, for example, you only get to use it for that level. When you get to level 7, you no longer have it, unlike other Duke games in which when you get a weapon you have it for the rest of the game. This might only be a problem to me since I am used to the other system in the other Duke games though.

    If you like 2-D shooters or have played (and liked) Duke 1 and 2 for the PC, this game should be one you pick up. If you don't, you should stay away from this one.

    Final Score: 8 out of 10


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