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    Dragon Warrior Monsters

    By Corey

    Getting its name from popular RPG series Dragon Warrior, which I have never played a game from by the way, this Pokemon type game is born. How does it compare? Will a Poke-freak consider this just a clone? Continue reading for your answers.


    This game brings the basics of Pokemon, and tweaks them a bit. The storyline isn't the greatest, but everything else makes up for that. You first start about collecting monsters in dungeons(called gates) so you can become strong enough to win in the battle arena, so you can qualify for the Starry Night tourniment, which you'll need to win in order to rescue your sister who was kidnapped in the beginning of the game. Got that? Good. Lets move on.

    Graphics: 7

    The graphics in DWM are pretty good. The monsters are well drawn and colored well enough. You can tell the difference between each monster on the map screen as well as the battle screen. The gates you go into have good detail, even though some maps are repeated. Overall though, nothing ground-breaking in terms of graphics, but they do fit the game very well.

    Game Play: 9

    The game play in this game is different from Pokemon. Like I mentioned, your ultimate goal it to rescue your sister. First you need to catch some powerful monsters though. The way you catch your monsters is a little different from Pokemon, if you are used to playing that. At the end of a random battle, sometimes a monster will ask to join you. This is when you choose to accept its offer, or to send it on its way. To increase the chances of it wanting to join, you can throw various types of meat into the crowd. This makes the monsters like you a bit more. You must kill the monster you want in your party last, however.

    Ok, you got monsters from the first gate. Now what? Well, you have to fight in the battle arena. Here you face three opponents, with 3 monsters each. The first time you enter, there is no fee. But when you want to fight in a higher class, you must share the wealth. Now, if you defeat the 3 masters, you win the gates and unlock more gates. That in turn means more monsters. Whoo hoo!

    So that sound tedious, doesn't it? In all reality, it isn't. Everytime you re-enter a gate, the map layout of it changes. So you won't know exactly where to go everytime you play it. This is a pretty cool feature, and makes the game a little more enjoyable. Plus every gate has different monsters and it is pretty fun going out and trying it.

    Sound: 5

    Nothing special. Maybe its because of my music taste, but I usually found myself getting bored listening to the music of this game. I really can't say for sure why, I just did. The sound effects aren't that great either. The volume gets turned off fast playing this.

    Lasting Value: 10

    This is basically where this game really shines. With all the different monsters and breeding combinations, you will be playing for a long time. However, if you are just planning on just beating the game, you may find this game a little too short and easy.

    Bottom Line

    If you are a Pokemon fanatic this game is a must have. I personally believe that the capturing and breeding put this game a step ahead of Nintendo's money making machine. If you are a Poke-a-hater, there is still a chance you will like this game because of its minor differences. You may want to try and play this game first if at all possible.

    Final Score: 8 out of 10 (This is not an average)


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