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    Donkey Kong Land

    By Corey


    After a successful adventure on the Super Nintendo, Donkey and Diddy Kong make their first run together on the Game Boy. Does the first DKL game stand toe to toe with the first Donkey Country title?

    Graphics: 5 (GBP) or 8 (GBC)

    "They look great!" is what you'd say when you can actually see the screen. The problem is that it is kind of hard to see everything when playing on an original Game Boy or GB Pocket. If you are playing on a Game Boy Color, however, the color helps it out tremendously.

    Game Play: 5

    This is just really a normal platformer. The fast pace of the DKL series isn't present in this game; there isn't enough to do to keep you from wanting to just turn the system off. You only have one objective in this game and that's to get to the end of the level. With some games that is plenty, but not this one. Not enough hidden secrets to keep me satisfied. Sure, there are the hidden bonus barrels but they were too easy to find and I'll just go out and say it, the bonus games suck in this game.

    Sound: 4

    Blah! Not good at all. The music is terrible and repetitive. The sound effects really are good, but the music forces me to turn the sound all the way down.

    Lasting Value: 4

    Playing through the game itself is boring so that in itself is bad, but after you beat it there is no reason to play again anyway. You could try and find all the bonus barrels but that doesn't add much to the game and its too easy anyway.

    Bottom Line

    One of the worst Game Boy games I've played. Rare either tried to make this game too unlike the original or just hoped the hype of DKC would sell the game. Either way the game isn't good.

    Final Score: 5 out of 10 (This is not an average)


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