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    Donkey Kong GB: Dinkey Kong and Dixie Kong

    By Jorden

    The Donkey Kong Country/Land series has been fairly popular over the years and now DKL3 has been colored. Unfortunately this will only be released in Japan. But the good news is we get DKC for GBC first!

    Story: 5

    You could tell they were stretching to come up with story ideas this time around. A race to see who can find the Lost World first (hey wasn't this is DKC2 and DKL2? Must be a different one). That's why DK and Diddy aren't in the game, they left first!

    Graphics: 7

    These are fairly good for GB just about the best the GB pocket could do. They could've been updated a little bit for GB color. Unlike DKC the characters appear flat, and the reality that they only have about 4 colors on them hurts too. Same thing with the enemies and backgrounds. Come on, this is GBC only they could've done a little better!

    Game Play: 8

    This on the other had is really good. You have the best control out of any DKL game ever! But there was the few odd times that I rolled/cartwheeled instead of jumping or vise versa. And I'm not even going to start ranting on the difficulties of swimming.

    Sound: 7

    The sound is really good in this game. Almost mirrors the SNES music although the quality is expectedly lower. Sound effects are put to good use as well.

    Lasting Value: 8

    There are at least 2 bonus stages per level and one DK coin that you'll need to collect to complete the game. This is what will keep you going back to this game. Unfortunately for anyone who has played any other DKC or DKL game they are fairly easy to find and within 2 days I had 100%.

    Bottom Line

    I bought this mainly to preview DKC for GB. Although I'll still get it, I'm beginning to have my doubts about this title. Bland colors, an easy hunt, and (rarely but enough to notice) sloppy controls make this not worth importing unless you love the series and must have the game.

    Final Score: 6 out of 10


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