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    Dance Dance Revolution (Import)

    By Jorden

    Dancing games are almost the thing in Japan. You can't go to any arcade there without seeing at least one. People from that side of the world are phenominal at these games so how does it fare on the small screen?

    Story: n/a

    You dance. That's all there is to it. I can't really give a score based on the fact that all you do is pick it up for a little fun once in a while (although I know people who have played this port for hours...).

    Graphics: 8

    These are great! You can easly tell which way the little arrows point, and the characters look really good for Game Boy. Combine that with the fact that the background changes behind the dancer and you get some really nice effects.

    Game Play: 9

    This game has some really good gameplay because it comes with its own snap on controller. That's right, Konami decided you can't have a dance game without a dance mat so here is the snap on controller/mat for the GB version. The only problem I have is that you have to hit the buttons a little hard and sometimes instead of Perfect I get a Miss.

    Sound: 8

    This is very good for GB. Not the best for dancing games unless you like dancing to midis. But it is good enough for me to have tracked down MP3's of the arcade versions music from this game.

    Lasting Value: 6

    Once you get to know the dances you can make it so there are more steps but how long until you get sick of a song? There are also 2 different modes to play and link cable support. No. 2 is already on the horizion though...

    Bottom Line

    I never was a big fan of the dancing games and when I was in Japan something possesed me and a friend to try one out. We spent over $20 American each on this game over the course of our stay. He bought the Dreamcast DDR and I got the GB one. Basically this means even if they don't look fun you just might be surprised.

    Final Score: 7 out of 10


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