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    Bionic Commando: Elite Forces

    By Corey


    This is the game that many people have been waiting for after Bionic Commando game out for the NES over ten years ago. Bionic Commando: Elite Forces lives up to its name by having everything someone could want in a GBC game. So how does the game work? Let's find out.

    Graphics: 10

    The first thing you should notice when starting a new game is how sweet the graphics are. Everything in this game, the commando you use, the enemies, the background, everything, is beautifully colored. Very pleasing to the eye. The graphics actually make you think you are swinging from platform to platform just barely avoiding the spikes. "What? Swinging? What could you possibly be talking about?" Look down below.

    Game Play: 10

    The Game Play is what makes this game so special. At first glance it may look like a normal action game where you have a gun and shoot people, but when you get to the first pit you will notice one thing, you can't jump! How are you supposed to get around? By using your bionic arm to swing across gaps, reach higher places, stun enemies, etc. Until you actually play this game, you have no idea how much better this is than normal jumping. I find myself swinging in places where there is no need to swing, just because it is such a blast.

    Controlling all of your movements is pretty easy. Control Pad to move, B to fire and A to swing. Using your arm at first is a little difficult, but since the first couple levels ease you into it you will figure out how to use it with no problems. That's a good thing too, since you'll be making some very difficult swings in later levels.

    One problem with this game is the lack of enemy variety. Even though it isn't too noticeable since you will be having so much fun playing this game, there aren't very many different types of enemies. The bosses are cool, but you will be running into a lot of normal soldiers throughout the game. Everyonce in a while you'll find a paratrooper or a jetpack guy, but it's mostly normal soldiers. Like I said though, you may not even have noticed it unless you knew about it in advance.

    Sound: 9

    For being on the Game Boy Color, the sounds in this game are great. A gun being fired actually sounds like a gun being fired, the death sounds are cool, the music is kind of addicting, and even the speech in the game is well done.

    Lasting Value: 6

    You can play through the game as both characters, but there isn't much difference. I played through as the male first, then as the female. Playing the exclusive levels for each character is worth playing through the game twice. After that though, there isn't much else to do. I think the game could have been longer, but what is here is close to perfect.

    Bottom Line

    If you own a Game Boy Color, you should get Bionic Commando as soon as possible. This game will appeal to anyone. Everything about the game is enjoyable.

    And remember, "Don't be hasty, advance with caution." I had to get the quote from the original Bionic Commando in here somewhere...

    Final Score: 9 out of 10 (This is not an average)


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