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    Top 10 List

    Top 10 games I'd like to see at Eł

    10. Banjo-Kazooie 3: The Bottles Murder Trials -- Who really was behind the death of Bottles?
    9. Pokemon Hunter -- Hunt down helpless Pokemon with large, high powered weapons.
    8. Kirby's Weight Loss Program -- Kirby shows you how he eats... well... everything without gaining a pound!
    7. Final Fantasy DCLXVI: The Legend Finally Ends -- I know this has nothing to do with Nintendo (well, I guess it might), but Square has got plenty of other games that sell billions. They don't need to milk the Final Fantasy series for any more money, especially since the stories don't even tie together.
    6. Pokemon Advanced -- Back story to Pokemon Hunter, it shows why everyone is hunting those little rascals. Let's just say they Pikachu was sick of Ash telling him what to do.
    5. The Legend of Zelda: I Finally Star in my Own Frickin' Legend -- Zelda finally actually has an important part in the storyline, but will it last?
    4. Earthbound Cubed -- Ness comes back to kill some more hippies and rabid animals.
    3. Super Mario Cubed: Mario's Bachelor Party -- Didn't Mr. Miyamoto say that Mario will be more mature? The story revolves around the night before Mario and Peach's wedding, with Luigi having just a little too much to drink...
    2. Metroid Cubed: It's a First Person Adventure! -- Samus invades IGN headquarters to get revenge on the people who scared everyone else to death about the First Person Shooter announcement.
    1. Conker's Other Bad Fur Day -- It seems Conker found his way into Mario's bachelor party and... well...



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