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    Top 10 List

    Top 10 videogame villians according to Corey

    Note: All have appeared on a Nintendo system at least once.

    10. Mizar, Jet Force Gemini -- The final battle alone gets him here. Who he really is gets him the 10th spot.
    9. The Giant Heart, Contra --'s a giant heart. And it appeared in two games.
    8. Wart, Super Mario Brothers 2 -- The only villian in the history of gaming that you have to kill with vegetables. But why the heck does he have a vegetable maker in his room!?!
    7. Motherbrain, Metroid series -- A big pulsating brain. That automatically gets her into the list.
    6. Bowser, Super Mario Brothers series -- Being able to kidnapp the Princess so many times is amazing, but why doesn't he learn how to fight? Or to go even further, why the heck didn't he just lock the frickn' front door of the castle in Super Mario 64?!?
    5. Ganon, Legend of Zelda series -- A giant blue pig that never dies. One of the few masterminds that is successful in their plans for a short period of time. And he did it twice!
    4. Giygas, Earthbound -- He's so powerful that he destroyed his own brain and you can't even comprehend his attacks. Plus he has a really big eye like thing.
    3. Master D, Bionic Commando -- Well, he's Hitler.
    2. Kefka, Final Fantasy 3 -- Killing half the population of the world and going for more makes you a pretty mean badass doesn't it?
    1. Queen Pulsating, Bloated Festering, Sweat, Puss-filled, Malformed, Slug for a Butt, Earthworm Jim seires -- Is there any explination needed?



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