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    Top 10 List

    Top 10 reasons why the Playstation 2 has done so well in Japan.

    10. It only costs thousands and thousands of yen.
    9. The Playstation was great, so the PS2 has to be too, right?
    8. It has a very creative name.
    7. It looks like a toilet. Oh wait, that's the PSOne.
    6. Square has promised Final Fantasy 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 will be on it.
    5. Seeing has how the Dolphin won't be out until 2002 at this rate, I guess they have no choice.
    4. It's got all the great games on a second...ok, what games does it have?
    3. Sony = Great prodcuts that never break. *Corey has his Sony walkman crap out on him after 2 weeks of use*
    2. It's only to tide them over until the Playstation 3 makes it's way into stores soon.
    1. All the copies of Pokemon Gold & Silver were sold out.

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