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    Top 10 List

    Top 10 reasons videogames are blammed for violence:

    10. Blaming stuffed animals would make the blammers look crazy..
    9. I guess some adults don't realize jumping on a goomba's head is fictional.
    8. Parents want to play games too, and they need to find out some reason to get their kids away from the systems.
    7. The fight against pro-wrestling isn't going so well.
    6. No beer and no TV make Homer blame videogames.
    5. Apparently, pushing "Z" teaches you how to completely use a gun.
    4. Only you know how to prevent forest fires. Oh wait...wrong top 10...
    3. Some videogame systems are able to guide missiles it seems...
    2. It was either videogames or dvd players, and it was decided seeing killing after killing in movies isn't more influencing.
    1. Nothing good is on TV.

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