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    Top 10 List

    Top 10 Reasons why Project Dolphin will not be shaped like a Dolphin:

    10. Storage of the system may be a little bit of a problem.
    9. "Playing Mario on the Dolphin" isn't supposed to have more than 1 meaning.
    8. Releasing a pink see-through Dolphin for a videogame system just wouldn't be right.
    7. How many males would actually buy a Dolphin shaped item in public?
    6. Some people may try to see if it can swim...
    5. Where the hell would the DVDs fit???
    4. I doubt this would help the reputation of Nintendo systems being "kiddy".
    3. Sharp fins = lawsuit
    2. Let us put the controller port near the reporductive organs...
    1. Now that I really think of it, I see bright things for a Dolphin shaped console...



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