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    Why not the newer game?

    It seems N64 fans always get the older games.

    By Corey

    First it was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 being cancelled so the first game can get more sales. Now, Mega Man Legends 64, a port of the psx game released in '98, instead of a new Mega Man game or even Mega Man Legends 2 for that matter. What's up? Why don't N64 get the newer, better, or exclusive games?

    Possibly many reasons. Companies are probably too worried to invest extra money to make a exclusive game for a system that isn't really selling a whole lot of games. Various different companies are blaming the N64 for loss of revenue. That probably scares off other companies. To that I say (*cough* Acclaim *cough*) that if you would have made good games, they might have actually sold well.

    The complete opposite is said for the Tony Hawk situation. Pro Skater 1 is selling so well that Activision wants to give it more time to sell. Obviously this is a good thing, but now all N64 owners will miss out of the sequel, unless you own a Playstation or Dreamcast, which I'm sure a lot of you do. But still, they could have just waited to bring out Pro Skater 2. Many fans would have been mad for the wait, but I'm sure it would be worth it for the long term.

    Back to the opening paragraph. Capcom has been a good example of not giving us newer games (though that will change soon with Resident Evil: Zero). Both Resident Evil 2 and now Mega Man Legends 64 were released for the Playstation a couple years ago. Sports games either seem to be non-existent, or companies release them when the season is practically over (Midway with NBA Showdown 2000, for example).

    In conclusion, I don't have one really. It just seems that if companies would actually have given the system a chance it would have been a lot better, despite its many setbacks. Sure, cost of development is pretty high, but people would buy good games if they were made, and people would be more likely to buy a game that they didn't play on another system a year ago.

    Ok, so this really wasn't the biggest or best of editorials. The bigger and better version of this editorial will be present on a site that gets more hits. (Ok, that was a very lame joke).


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