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    Does Nintendo Still Know What They are Doing?

    Or is making costly mistakes all apart of their plan?

    By Corey

    This is a question I've had to ask myself a few times in the past few years or so now. Yes, Nintendo has made and still does make some of the best videogames. However, I don't think they realize they aren't the only company that brings out quality systems in the Video Game market anymore. Look at the evidence:

    • They stick with cartridges for the N64 knowing all the advantages of CDs.

    • They bring out a portable, only to announce a new one coming out in the near future soon after (though delaying the GBA may actually fix this).

    • Not listening to the public about what games they'd like to see (Metroid, Earthbound 0, etc…).

    • Now if this is true, delaying their next-generation system to a whole year after their main competition releases theirs.

    I'm not sure if I should trust anything Nintendo says anymore. They kept reassuring the public, telling them the Dolphin would make it before the end of 2000. They said the Game Boy Advance would make it November 1st in the US just 2 weeks ago! If they know they can't do or are not going to do what they say, they should stop saying it.

    There are other things that have me concerned. The number one thing is the news of them still charging 3rd party developers to develop for their systems. Are they nuts?!?! One publisher was quoted as saying "It's almost like developing for the cartridge format again…" This was referring to the cost of developing for the system. Obviously there is something wrong if they don't realize what a mistake this is.

    Another concern is their inability to share with us any info about the Dolphin. While Sony is just about to release their system in the coming weeks, Nintendo has not said nor done anything to keep people from buying their competition's system. Do they know something we don't, or are they just acting like themselves again?

    Keep in mind that I am not mad at Nintendo, its their business and I will be buying the Dolphin and Game Boy Advance anyway, but if Nintendo wants to keep toying with the public, they can go ahead. Instead of me writing anymore of this, I'll just go buy more Dreamcast games and save up for a Playstation 2 and Neo Geo Pocket Color too. I'm sure more and more people will be doing the same.

    If Nintendo announces tomorrow that the delays weren't real, would you believe them?


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