Allen Iverson Info & Pics

NBA 2K2 is an awesome game. It has several different modes of play, such  as Street, Franchise, Exibition, Season, and so much more. In Street mode you can play 2-on-2, 3-on-3, 4-on-4, and 5-on-5. You can go to many of the most fameous street courts and see them represented almost perfectly, if not better! In Season or Exibition mode, you (this is a duh, but oh well) pick two teams to play against each other. If you have a friend/friends and more than 1 controller, they can join in on the fun as well. They can play on your team or against you. The game allows all 4 controller sockets to be filled for a really cool B-ball game. These things alone would make a great game, but it gets even better. You can go with your favorite (or not so favorite) team and just shoot around. You can also scrimmage, or pratice free throws. On another note, the AI in this game is excellent. The harder the difficulty, the better the opponent. All in all, this is an excelect game, and it almost does EVERYTHING right. If you like B-Ball, buy it.
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