To change the face of Mario in to Wario in the Mount
Rushmore fire three missiles on it and it's done

A birdman star is in central park in the
middle of New York City.

In the Florida area, look for a hanger with an open door. Fly
inside and then turn around and come back out. You'll end
up in Seattle, Washington.

One of the biggest thrills found in PilotWings 64 is
the ability to shoot yourself halfway across the country
like a cannonball. Since the only place available for
a soft landing is a landing target, below are all the
numbers you'll need to get there on your first shot.
While the following numbers are guaranteed to get you
inside the bull's eye, you may need to make some minute
adjustments to ensure a rating of 25 points on each shot.
Also remember to recalibrate the cannon after every shot.
Just leaving the cannon on your last setting and firing
a second time will result in an even lower score than
the previous attempt. While most of these shots are
calibrated for full power, some require less. In these
cases, a little trial and error will get the best results.

           Symbol Key:
           V = Vertical
           H = Horizontal
           P = Power


Cannon 1
V:1-2 degrees
H: W 50 degrees N
P: Full

Cannon 2
V: 12 degrees
H: S 70 degrees W
P: Full

Cannon 3
V: 18 degrees
H: W 30 degrees N
P: Full

Cannon 4
V: 4 degrees
H: S 87 degrees W
P: Full


Cannon 1
V: 10 degrees
H: S 65 degrees W
P: Full

Cannon 2
V: 5 degrees
H: S 12 degrees W
P: 1/2 (a little less)

Cannon 3
V: 29 degrees
H: W 28 degrees N
P: Full

Cannon 4
V: 18 degrees
H: E 49 degrees S
P: 3/4


Cannon 1
V: 13 degrees
H: E 23 degrees S
P: Full

Cannon 2
V: 7 degrees
H: S 85 degrees W
P: 1/4

Cannon 3
V: 52 degrees
H: S 41 degrees W
P: Full

Cannon 4
V: 45 degrees
H: E 54 degrees S
P: Full (a little less)

Just one final word about those all important, extra
creative shots (like pegging a hang glider).
Remember, a hang glider is moving in space relative
to your cannon's position, so you'll have to lead the
target just a bit to get that way-cool midair collision.

Refueling Secrets

Here are some advanced hints on refueling. While your fuel
is restored, unfortunately, your timing is not reset.

To refuel your Gyrocopter or Rocketbelt on the Little States
island, you can fly along the Northwest road from Cape
Canaveral. You'll see what looks like a gas station on the
left -- the sign is actually a Paradigm logo. Fly low and
slow around the station until you hear a noise like taking
off from a hopping pad.

You can also get fuel in the little town near the nuclear
plant. Just fly under the little station's roof and you'll
have a full tank.

The birdman stars are present in the following

Holiday Island - On the beach, under the arch
Cresent Island - On the beach, in a cove
Arctic Island - Inside the cave that connects the
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