How to get different codes & modes:

Cheat/Mode:                                Finish level:         Time:        Difficulty:
Invincibility                                   Area 51: Escape    3:50    Agent
Infinite Ammo                              Pelagic 2                7:07    Special Agent
All Guns in Solo Mode               Skedar Ruins:       5:31     Perfect Agent
Unlimited Laptop Gun Ammo    Air Force One       3:55    Perfect Agent
X-Ray Scanner                              Area 51: Rescue    n/a    Any
Unlimited Ammo & no reloads  Air Base                 3:11    Special Agent
R-Tracker                                      Skedar Ruins         n/a      Any
Hurricane Fists                            Datadyne Central   2:03   Agent
Cloak/Invisible                          G5 Building                1:30    Agent
DK Mode    Chicago: Stealth    n/a    Any
Be Elvis    Area 51: Rescue    7:59    Perfect Agent
Team Heads Only    Air Base: Espionage    n/a    Any
Jo Shield    Deep Sea: Nullify Threat    n/a    Any
Small People    Area 51: Infiltration    n/a    Any
Tiny Jo    G5 Building: Reconnaisance    n/a    Any
Slow Motion (Single Player)    Datadyne Research: Investigation 
  n/a    Any
Super Shield    Carrington Institute: Defense    1:45    Any
Classic Sight    Datadyne Central: Defection    n/a    Any
Perfect Darkness    Crash Site: Confrontation    n/a    Any
Enemy Rockets    Pelagic LL: Exploration    n/a    Any
Enemy Shields    Carrington Institute: Defnese    n/a    Any
Marquis of Queensbury Rules    Datadyne Central: Defection   
1:30    Special Agent
Jo Single Player      

Rocket Launcher    Datadyne Central: Extraction    n/a    Any
Superdragon    Area 51: Escape    n/a    Any
Sniper Rifle    Carrington Villa: hostage One    n/a    Any
Laptop Gun    Air Force One: Anti Terrorism    n/a    Any
Phoenix    Attack Ship: Covert Assault    n/a    Any
Psycosis Gun    Chicago: Stealth    2:00    Perfect Agent
Trent's Magnum    Crash Site: Confrontation    2:50    Agent
Farsight    Deep Sea: nullify Threat    7:27    Perfect Agent
Classic Weapons    Get all Golds on Firing Range    n/a    n/a

Hit and Run    Carrington Villa: Hostage    2:30    Special
Alien    Attack Ship: Covert Assault    5:17    Special Agent
Hot Shot    Area 51: Infiltration    5:00    Special Agent
Velvet Dark    Datadyne Research: Investigation    6:30   

Log on at the Carrington Institute Website:
To log on at the Carrington Institute website, use the following
user name and password:

Username: solaris
Password: pal32ver21z

Enter these at the 'agents only' section of the Carrington
Institute's site and you'll be granted access to a new area
complete with information on "CI Scientists Missing", DataDyne
files recovered, biological sampling system and intelligence
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