Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
Access Henry:

Complete the game using Cornell then save after the credits.
When you load the saved game you will be able to play as

Access Reinhardt:

Complete the game using Henry then save after the credits.
When you load the saved game you will be able to play as

Secret Characters:

Collect the specials to get secret characters
they are reinhart, carrie, and henry(a soldger with a big
revoler pistol!)

New outfit for Cornell:

Use Henry to rescue 2 children to get a new outfit for Cornell

Fight Renon:

During the course of play spend at least 30,000 gold buying
stuff to be able to fight Renon

Harder Difficulty Setting:

Use Henry to rescue 3 children then save the game. When
you reload it you will have access to the new harder difficulty

How to get Carrie:

To get Carrie, you have to get 4 children with Henry, run the
time out, watch the credits, and save the game. It should now say
You have Carrie. You have the HARD difficulty.
You have Reinhardt. You can use Reinhardt's second costume.

Lost Children:

Here they are all 6 of them Henry had to find: Bess on ledge in
center column in left tower of Castle wall, Edward in
Underground Waterway in wall recess near broken archway,
Florence on ledge near gargoyle at Outer Wall, Clark in cove
in Villa Garden near Center of Maze, Diana in Far Moon Room
upper level in Underground Tunnel, Anthony on ledge in
Forest of Silence and Pics of all the children with Henry at
game ending.
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