Halloween is one of my favorite holidays ever! It is a chance to dress up as ghouls or goblins or powerpuff girls or whatever and eat lots of junk food! Anything goes at Halloween! For this reason, every year I throw a big Halloween bash at my house and spend hours planning, shopping, decorating, and of course cooking! Though it has nothing to do with Nintendo- I thought that I'de share a little bit of Halloween spirit with you by making a site with some ecspecially cool party ideas that Ive used over the last several years! You can click on the skeleton to the left to go back to the home page! Well, buckle up cuz here we go!
Cool Party Ideas
1. Use construction paper to cut out pumpkins, bats, etc. and hang them around the house.
2. cut orange and black construction paper into rectangles and link them to make chains to hang up.
3. orange and black construction paper makes good confetti to sprinkle around the table or floor.
4.paint a lightbulb red for a really cool lighting effects.
5. draping sheets over furniture makes it look cool.
6. lighting lots of candles is cool.
LOTS of gross looking food by making normal snack foods but adding food coloring
8. music is important, creepy sound effects or famous halloween songs.
9.turn a surgical glove inside out and fill with water or juice, freeze, remove glove, and place in punch
10. place dry ice in caudrons around the house and drip warm water in them for eerie smoke
The Dead Midget is one of my favorites because it's so funny. You just fix meatloaf with your favorite recipe and then shape it into a little man laying on his back (about a foot tall) and cook him. But make sure you give him ears, eyes, a mouth, a nose, and anything else you want. When he's done, stab him in the chest with a serving knife and squeeze ketchup all around it. Its really fun to eat him and he got a lot of laughs at my last party. Another fun and simple one is Dead man's Intestines. You simply get a table and sit it somewhere where your guests can see it. On it you make a dummy by stuffing a pair of jeans and long sleeve shirt with towels, clothes, whatever but leave the stomach unstuffed. Also make a head somehow, it doesn't really matter how or what it looks like. Then place an old white sheet ( that can be thrown away ) over the dummy so it looks like a person is laying under the sheet. Fill a large serving bowl with spagetti (not hard to make) and then cut a whole in the sheet at the dummy's stomach large enough to place the bowl in. You can smear some sauce on the sheets and place a spoon in the 'stomach' so your guests can serve themselves. And if you want you can shine an overhead lamp on it to look like it's an operating table. I haven't tried that one yet but it's going to be at this year's party. One last one for today, it's extremely easy but it was a BIG hit last year. Kitty Litter Casserole. All you have to do is buy a NEW kitty litter box and pooper scooper. Cook some long grain rice and put it in the kittie litter box. Then shape ground beef or pork into clumps of kitty poo (season however you like) and fry them. Once done place the kitty poo in on and around the rice to look like a litter bok would. And if you don't care about being healthy then add the grease leftover from the meat to the rice to make it tasty!
Stay tuned because this November I will upload pictures of gross food and my party here for your enjoyment!!!
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