"It will be THE self-pleasuring device of the new millennium!"
Phantasy Star Online
Ok, as an intro, if you've never heard of PSO then you have been living under a massive rock for the last several years. PSO is a revolutionary type of game that has fought it's way past the doomed Dreamcast onto the next gen consoles! Sega is pretty much kicking Nintendo into online gameplay with PSO but I definately see that as a good thing! If you are a Role Playing Game (RPG) fan then I urge you to read on for the full scoop!
Okay it get's a bit confusing here so try to keep up. As this is an online RPG, you have a choice of what kind of character you want. There are three races:
Human, Newman, and Androids.
Beyond this there are three sub-categories of each race as follows:
Rangers, Force, and Hunters
To add to the fun, Sega is giving only the Gamecube (GCN) version three new subcategories that have yet to be revealed in detail. The teaser pics are to the right. You can of course further customize your
character to your liking by changing things such as hair, clothing, colors, etc.
Say hello to HUmar and HUcaseal curtousy of IGN.com
Features (thanks to IGN.com)
-Meet with people from around the world to do battle online
-Custom create your character's appearance, abilities, and more
-Choose from three races of characters including human, newman, and android
-Three exclusive new character classes
-Explore six diversely-themed worlds
-Two exclusive new worlds
-Four-player splitscreen offline mode
-Meet in a central lobby area where you can trade items, engage in soccer matches, or duel one-on-one
-First announced online title for GameCube
Well, in comparison to GCN games such as Resident Evil and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, this game is no masterpeice. However, the graphics are by no means ugly. If you download a video of it you will see that while not perfect, the graphics are still nice to look at. When you add more than mediocre graphics to really great gameplay then you have one heck of a game! I encourage you to download some videos ( click here ) and see for yourself!
This is definately the game's strong suit if you havent guessed it by now. The ability to create your character and go online alone is enough to get lots of people to get the game. But it's the little extras that really make this game shine. You get to waltz around six different areas with your friends, and not JUST your online friends. This game gives you the chance to team up with three of your friends and 'save the
world' split-screen style. While the game is very much an upgrade of PSO versions 1 and 2 for dreamcast, the developers are throwing in several extras in the GCN version. For instance, The Pioneer 2 ( the ship in which gamers meet to relax after a long day of booty-whooping ) was really small and cramped in the DC version but is now large and roomy for the cube. And I ecspecially like the way battling works. unlike most turnbased RPGs (final fantasy) this game borrows a bit of the n64's Zelda battle system. In other words, there are no spontanious battles but instead you see a monster in the distance so you can go up and attack him or run away like a scared little girly monkey. And of course lets not forget the chatty aspect of it. How would you like to exchange recipies with your friends while fighting a dragon? This game is a monster and believe me that's a good thing. How could it possibly be better? ... If only it had soccer...
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