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Zelda and Cellshading

Zelda and Cell Shading

Back before the Gamecube was released, Nintendo created a demo of Zelda just to
show how powerful the cube was, and it was a impressive demo at that. Featuring the
phenomenal battle of link and Ganon battling it out in full 3d, with sparks flying as there
swords crash together. The face animations where so realistic, so smooth it looked like
quite possibly the best game ever, But for some reason Nintendo didn�t think so, I am
not sure why?. So finally when the first screens of the actual Gamecube Zelda came
circling around they astonished me, was this Zelda? Apparently yes.

The screens where not what I expected at all, they featured some cartoon version of
link, which in my opinion looked stupid as hell. Nintendo has totally changed the Zelda
series as we know it. From a kick ass realistic epic in Ocarina of Time, to a comic
book adventure, in Links Gamecube debut. For some reason I don�t think this was a
smart move to bring link to the Gamecube in this manner, for one thing it ruins all the
atmosphere that ocarina of time and Majoras mask worked so hard to build. It evolved
the game from a once overhead RPG to a actual 3d epic. I loved it, when I first booted
up ocarina of time I knew I was getting my self into something cool.

Now I am not putting down the cell shading? I�ve seen some pretty cool things done
with cell shading such as �Cell Damage � For the Gamecube� I am just saying it doesn�t
suit a game like Zelda. Why not Mario? It would make a hell of allot more sense
applying the style of graphics to a Mario game then a Zelda game. Mario has always
been kind of a cartoon character. But Zelda no.

I have accepted this as the new Zelda and am slowing starting to come around like
everyone else. Realizing how cool it is and the actual potential it has, but I am just
hoping that Nintendo can drop all this cartoony stuff and bring back what the average
gamer wants and iam not the only one who doesent like the new direction zelda is going
in.. Till then I am going to sit back in anticipation. And just pray maybe Nintendo will
come to there senses and bring back the realistic feel that made Ocarina of time so
damn cool.

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