CAFFEINE: How it is Addictive and Treatment

Caffeine Intro


How Caffeine is Addictive:

Caffeine has addictive properties. For those who are heavy users may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, depression, restlessness and fatigue. Relief is experience after several days (Health Canada, 2003).

More research is needed to explore whether caffeine has an affect on heart disease or cancer.

Treatment Methods If you are experiencing �caffeine jitters� cut back on your caffeine consumption. Cut back gradually by reducing you daily intake to 4 cups of coffee per day. Try to dilute your drink or change to decaffeinate or caffeine- free beverages. Let your tea step for a shorter time (Health Canada. 2003). Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses if water per day (Canadian Cancer Society, 2004).

Nursing Strategies

Breastfeeding or pregnant women should drink coffee or tea in moderation. Breastfeeding mothers should limit their caffeine intake to no more than 2300mg per day(Health Canada, 2003).

Caffeine can pass through the placenta to baby. The baby can become fussy and irritable and can have frequent crying spells.

Created By:Gloria Baptiste
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