The Injuries

Basically, I suffered the normal stuff besides the injuries to my left foot.  I tumbled for about 100-110 ft and ended up in a barbed wire fence.  The barbed wire fence managed to work its way down to the bone and chiped it in about 2 different spots and also tore my ligiment.  Luckily, they were able to put my foot back together with 15 stitches.  The minor things were stuff like:  Bruised ribs, hips, groan area, etc., Tore muscle in left shoulder, jammed fingers, road (grass/dirt) rash on both arms and knees, and a pretty good bump on the head...That's it!

Injuries to the right arm!

Injuries to the left arm and hip


Here are the injuries to the Left Foot!
(These Pics. are in chronological order)

This picture was taken on Sept. 24th.  They decided not to perform any surgery, but instead to let it heal on its own.  Which means I will have to be on crutches for at least another 2 months until it heals.

Believe it or not, this is taken after the stitches have been romoved (3 weeks after the accident).  I always wanted to be a leg model...not!  More than likely they are going to need to do a skin-graph or surgically pull the skin back together...Hey, were did my ankle go!

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