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Splinter's Profile

Splinter is the Ninja Turtles sensei and master. He was born in Japan and spent most of his life there as the leader of the Foot Clan. He was betrayed by Oroko Saki (Shredder), who was one of his students, who framed him for attempted murder. As a result, he was banished from the Foot Clan, and Saki took over. Yoshi fled to America to begin a new life. He was forced to live in the sewers with the rats and some pet turtles he found. As time went by he got used to his new lifestyle. His life changed again, when he and the turtles were exposed to a powerful mutagen. It caused the turtles to take on a human form and Yoshi to become a muntant rat. He knew the outside world would consider the mutant turtles freaks, so he trained them in Ninjitsu. He also named them after renaissance artists, the turtles then nicknamed him Splinter.

Splinter is a skilled ninja, better then any one on Earth. Like Shredder he can perform a tremendous amount of moves, and has mastered almost every ninja weapon. Unlike Shredder, he also has a great deal of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Splinter has instilled this wisdom into his pupils, the Turtles. Splinter leads the Ninja Turtles into the battles against Krang and Shredder.  Free Samples - Free Products
Name: Hamato Yoshi

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 115lbs

Weapon: Staff

Color: Purple and


Hobbies: Meditating

Quote: I believe the 
expression is...

Pros: his wisdom 

Cons: not strong

Bonus: does not 
like pizza
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