Rocksteady's Profile

Rocksteady has a profile a lot like Bebop's. He grew up on the streets of New York City. He joined Big Red's gang, and helped the Shredder. Like Bebop he got embarrassed by the Ninja Turtles, and voluntered for an experiment that would make him stronger and give him special powers.

He turned into a muntant rhinoceros. Like Bebop he got stronger, but not any smarter. Shredder has tried to get rid of Rochsteady and Bebop many of times. Rocksteady and Bebop never do anything right. They are considered usless, and all they do is screw up Shredder's plans.

Name: rocksteady

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 340lbs

Weapon: guns

Color: grey

tough guy

Hobbies: looting,

Quote: Da woist is 
what we do best.

Pros: csn operate a 
transport module

Cons: stupid, idiot

Bonus: once replaced 
by a roboyic version 
of himself due to his
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