Others Of Importance


  Deemed "the eternally lost boy with fists of steal and a heart of glass" by many fans
everywhere, Ryoga Hibiki is by far the most sensitive character in the Ranma1/2 series.
He is also the closest thing Ranma has to a friend, as well as the closest thing Ranma has
to a rival, for Ryoga's strength rivals Ranma's although his luck often falters.  He seems to
really care about Ranma at times, or perhaps he just cares about justice and fairness.  For
example, when Ranma is cursed and therefore becomes unusually weak, Ryoga deals some
major damage to those planning to overtake the helpless Ranma.  He then proceeds to cry
over Ranma's weakened state.  He also, when given the order to harm Ranma for the
still-weakened boy's sake, can't bring himself to fight with his whole heart.  This is a side
of Ryoga only viewed occaisionally, for on several occaisions he has challenged Ranma for
Akane's love.
  However, the large portion of this boy's heart of gold belongs to Akane Tendo.  His
unrequited love for her is extremely romantic, but Ryoga's shy personality stands between
the two ever getting together.  In fact, Akane is very unaware of feelings Ryoga has
towards her, and just considers him a generally nice guy.  And so, Ryoga must watch as
Ranma and the girl he loves slowly fall for each other.  As he sinks into his own personal
depression, he puts up a front, and tries to seem like a tough guy.  He travels alone and
lives alone (when he can find his home) and dreams of when Akane would be his
companion.  With a pack across his back, and extremely heavy umbrella across his
shoulders, and a yellow bandana tying his black hair away from his face, Ryoga comes and
goes throughout the storyline. 
  P-chan, Akane's pet piglet, is actually Ryoga.  Ryoga is another cursed sould in the
Ranma1/2 universe but this cursce has treated him well, for as P-Chan he gets to sleep
with Akane and stay with her all the time.  Akane is also oblivious to the fact that P-Chan
and Ryoga are one and the same.  However, being a pig when splashed with cold water
has even more of an affect on Ryoga's shyness, along with his horrible sense of direction.
  All in all, Ryoga is the opposite of Ranma (he gets a nosebleed when he sees naked girls
^_^), but the story wouldn't be the same without him.


  The pint-sized pervert with the pack of panties (whoo-boy that was fun), Happosai is as
strong as he is horny.  HE will go to great lengths to get RAnma-chan in a bra, and will do
anything to see a girl out of one.  HE even once posed as P-Chan to be able to �snuggle
against her breats� at night (perversion at it�s peak.  Oh yes, I�m good with this alliteration
stuff).  Ranma�s hatred for him causes some humorous bathhouse scenes and many many
many near-death experiences for Ranma.
  As I mentioned before, Happosai is really very strong.  He is the one who originally
trained Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome.  Not only that, but the two grown men are still
absolutely terrified of him!  It is understandable, however, for over his many years he has
aquired quite a bit of potent techniques.  In fact, he even made Ranma the weakest man in
the world once.  It was very hard for Ranma to get out of, too. (Ryoga saves the day!!!)
  There was an alleged romance between Cologne and Happosai many years ago when
they were though.  Hehe, the funny thing is, he looked almost the exact same back then
save for a little turnip of hair on his head, while Cologne was all beautiful like Shampoo.
  Happosai is great comic releif and is known for hilarious slapstick humor.


Ranma�s �cute fianc�, sporty ukyo has been through a great deal.  Genma had engaged
very young Ranma to Ukyo for the dowry of her family�s Okonomiyaki cart. However,
Genma and Ranma took off with the Okonomiyaki cart leaving small Ukyo, or �Ucchan�
as Ranma called her, heartbroken, poor, and dealing with the rumors of her schoolmates
with the rumors of her schoolmates (�Ukyo will never get a husband now, she doesn�t
even have a dowry.�  How sad!)  She gave up all her femininity and spent her life devoted
to her Okonomiyaki.  When arriving at Ranma�s school, she is introduced as a guy.  In
fact, when Ranma first finds that she�s a girl, he thinks she fell in Jusenkyo herself!  She is
a bit enraged when she finds he�s already engaged (twice, actually) but as soon as she
realizes the shakey relationship between Akane and Ranma, she Is happy once again and
joins the race for Ranma.
  Ukyo still runs and lives in an Okonomiyaki shop and is often seen carrying a giant
spatula over her back.  She still binds her chests to appear male, but after awhile, everyone
figures it out.
  Her best friend would probably be Ryoga (hence the whole �Ukyo and Ryoga in love�
theory.  I personally don�t agree or disagree).  The two of them often talk about Ranma
and Akane, and Ryoga follows along with her plans to break the two of them up.  (After
all, it does get him a few dates with Akane ^_~).  You have to admit, however that her
ideas aren�t as half-brained as some of Shampoo or Kodachi�s stunts.  They even kinda of
make sense, assuming that everyone is happy with their new arrangements (Ranma&Ukyo,
Akane&Ryoga).  And if they�re not.. she�ll smack them on the head with her giant spatula!
(Hehehe, Ukyo�s so cool ^_^)
  Suprisingly, Ukyo manages to keep a friendly relationship with Ranma, unlike most of his
finaces, probably because they were once childhood friends.  And because she feeds him
  Well, I think that�s about it�(What�s was that ninjatom?  Discuss the Ukyo and
Shionsukae relationship?  Err�Maybe some other time�)


He hides in mailboxes, trees, vending machines, unrecognizable objects, anything he can
get his hands on, then attacks from inside the objects.  It�s not just when he�s battling,
either!  In the middle of conversations he will just randomly, all of a sudden be inside of a
tree, or appear as a carrot!
  He develops a crush on a total of 3 girls by the end of one volume of the manga.  HE
falls �deeply in love� with Ukyo, Ranma-chan, and Akane.  HE�s not even on bad terms
with Ranma, for they �Shared the same hobby�, crossdressing.  (Ranma:  I�m not
  Unfortunately, Tstuba only appears once, and, after a contest with Ranma to see who�s
cuter, leaves, only to return for brief cameo appearances.

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