Star Trek Grand Slam X!
23 March 2002
Pasadena, CA

We got to go to the annual Star Trek convention!
Is this the right place?
Looks like it, Michi
Finally, we got inside.
Wow! Look at this list.
Who do we see first?

There were lots of people who were in Star Trek
And other things too, Haru.
Some of them were nice enough to take pictures with us!

Barbara Luna!
Amidala likes her best from Buck Rogers.
She was the hawk woman Koori
Say Cheese!

Judson Scott!
He was in a show called "The Phoenix" as well as "V"
Oh, he's a cutie!

Louise Sorel
Vivian from "Days of Our Lives"
I liked her.
She was funny at times.

Oh, Wil Wheaton!
He was the coolest!
Amidala really did like Wesley.
He was so nice, huh, Haru?
Uh-huh. I liked him.

Klingon cosplay!
Mmmm... Yummy.
Haru, help me!

What's this?

Time for a break.

The crew of the new show Enterprise was on stage.
Take 1
Take 2
Take 3

Dominick Keating
In the autograph room

What a day!
I'm sleepy, Michi.
Time for bed
Goodnight, Michi.
Goodnight, Haru.

A special thanks to all.

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