Michelangelo Croft
Name: Michelangelo Croft

Nick Names: Michael (doesn't like being called Mike or Mikey because it brings back memories of his deceased mother).

Species: He thinks he's a cheetah, but he doesn't know that he's half leopard.

Favourite colour: Orange.

Weapon of choice: Nunchucks.

Relations: Eldest brother of four; brother to Raphael and Leonardo, and is an identicle twin with Donatello. Son of Keira. His father is Raifu, his uncle is Saringai and he's cousins with Venus (yet he doesn't know any of that!).

Description: "You're the eldest you're gonna be in charge," was one of the last things his mother said to him. He took that phrase to heart and became the leader over his siblings. Yet, like all Michelangelo's, he is fun loving and mischievious, making him rather irresponsible to be granted the title in the first place. But being the leader means a lot to him, and occasionally abuses the title in order to command his siblings around. Yet,  Michelangelo in some aspects is a good leader as his is creative and trusts his enhanced insticts. He is in touch with his natural surroundings, thanks to befriending his wild zebra companion, Kuthixo.

Because of his role as leader, Michael has developed a good friendship with his Master, Saringai. Unlike his brothers, Michelangelo knows more of what goes on behind the scenes with Saringai and his enemies. Though at some times he may seem dumb, he in fact knows a lot of information about his family.

Yet he is always somewhat detached, either through his secret training with Kuthixo or through his personal 'responsibilities' as leader. Unlike the ninja turtles, Michelangelo isn't as close to Raphael as he would like to be. The two of them still cause havoc for Saringai at night, but because they are in separate rooms, their friendship is hard to enhance.

Michael is probably the closest to Donatello, not only because their twins, but also because they shared a room together for most of their young lives. Yet even so, Donatello can't get what he wants from his friendship with Michelangelo, and looks to Saringai to help fill that void of electronical and chemical exploration. Unfortunately, with Leonardo being separated both mentally and physically by going through puberty first, and his overwhelming relationship with Venus, Michelangelo simply couldn't form much of a brotherly bond with the youngest male member in the family.

When it comes to Venus, Michelangelo reacts strangely, not easily accepting the new comer. Because he has yet to mature in both mind and body, Michael is drowned in his own obsession of cootie fearing. It is not known where he had developed this fear, what is shown though is that it is seriously effecting his friendship with his 'sister'. "There always seems to be two members of the group who fight a lot, usually it's with the leader", Saringai said in Chapter 9 while describing the 'Book of Mutants'. In this case, the intense fighting is between Venus and Michael, unlike the turtles where it is Leo and Raph who fight.

Although Michael has somewhat matured mentally through his job as leader, he is still quite an emotional person and doesn't try to hide his true feelings. Though this is one of his strengths, as he is free to express himself, Shere Khan was able to use his emotional personality to his advantage in Chapter 24, by manipulating his weak mind with his highly evolved ninjitsu techniques, making Michael rather scarred for life.

Fighting style: Out of all of the cheetahs, Michelangelo is the best fighter. He is extremely flexible, fast, creative and, unlike his siblings, can use the environment to his advantage. He is highly skilled with his weapon of choice, the nunchukus, although he is equally capable without them. Even though Michael has the lethal element of fire on his side, and is, at the moment, the most powerful, he would prefer not to use it. Although, the power comes at a price and Michael has a great weakness to water. Thanks to his training from Kuthixo, Michael is comfortable with both sneaking and tracking either at night or day.

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