Leonardo Croft
Name: Leonardo Croft

Nick names:

He thinks he's a cheetah but he doesn't know he's half leopard.

Favourite colour:

Weapon of choice:
Twin katana blades.

Youngest brother of four; younger brother of Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello. Son of Keira and Raifu. Cousin, husband and divorcee of Venus, although he believes that Venus is his sister. Student and nephew of Saringai.

Leonardo started out as a devoted ninjitsu student, and a top notch fighter. He was always different from the others, both by his unusual blue eyes and his extraordinary work ethic. Yet when Leonardo was the first to reach puberty, he could no longer find the support and answers he needed from his family. He felt as though he was an outcast and could no longer relate to them, hence developing a stronger bond with Saringai.

However, he needed to find inner peace in himself, and found that when he met Venus. The female cheetah accepted him and his differences and Leo couldn't help but fall head over heels for her. Leonardo and Venus developed a strong friendship with each other, but by doing so, he cut out some of his training time. Eventually his love for Venus was stronger than his love for ninjitsu.Though, as he soon found out,
Venus' love came at price, and Leonardo became the first to fight Shere Khan, gaining a scar on his face in the process.

When Raphael finally reached puberty, Leo and Raph became closer friends as they could relate to each other more strongly. Leo quickly learned to trust Raphael and even invited him to be the best man at his secret marriage ceremony.

Things only got worse for Leonardo. After a horrible turn of events which led to the disappearance of Rachel and the murder of Sebastian, Raphael quickly began to despise his little brother.Though, after hearing the report of Donatello's blood test comparison, Leonardo and Raphael quickly repaired their friendship and settled their differences, unlike the turtles.

After hearing that Venus was related to him by blood, both of the cheetahs decided to split up. Yet Leo couldn't let go so easily. He had devoted so much of his life and time to Venus that he couldn't simply break up. On top of being incredibly behind in his ninjitsu training and still hopelessly in love with Venus, Leonardo was also the first to unintentially gain an elemental power, making him an outcast yet again. He is a confused mutant and is always the first to experience things, making him a lost soul trying to piece his life back together.

Fighting style:
Before meeting Venus, Leonardo was a confident empty-handed fighter. Though after missing weeks of training, Leo's skills had become low grade compared to his brothers. Although he started to train furiously to catch up, he is self-conscious and prefers to attack with his swords in order to feel more confident with his fighting abilities. He also likes to use his water element when the odds are against him.
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