Name: Donatello Croft

Nick Names:
Don, Donny, Daniel

He thinks he's a cheetah, but he doesn't know that he's half leopard.

Favourite colour:

Weapon of choice:
Bo staff.

Second youngest of four; Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo. He is an identicle twin to Michelangelo. Son of Keira. His father is Raifu, he uncle is Saringai and he is cousins with Venus (though he doesn't know any of that!).

Donatello is a quiet and shy mutant who is desperately wanting to learn more about the mysteries of science and mathematics. It is not unusual for him to stay up late at night and work on his laptop or other inventions. Donatello became interested in electronics and other things through Saringai. With Donatello unable to sleep at night because of Michael's weird sleeping habits and Saringai being nocturnal, the two mutants formed a strong bond of friendship. Saringai is more than happy to teach Donatello about anything he wishes to know.

Don isn't the type to search for trouble, unlike his other siblings, yet he always gets roped into things and comes along anyway for the ride. He tries to think of himself as a pacifist, and therefore doesn't like hunting or hurting others, which makes it rather hard when he's a trained ninja. Because of this, Raphael and him aren't the best of friends. He has, however, made a stronger bond with both Michelangelo and Leonardo.

With his wild and analytical imaginative mind, Donatello was the one to come up with the elemental power theory, and by doing so, became a great asset to the team. Donatello hates it when his theories aren't taken seriously or when he is wrong or challenged by someone else. Venus is a firm believer in chi energy and other 'mythical' things, causing a tense relationship between the two, however he chooses not to argue with her.

Donatello knows a lot about his family, like Michelangelo, though he keeps it to himself, not wanting to interfere. He doesn't like to argue and would rather keep life peaceful. Because of this tendancy, he feels guilty about Venus and Leonardo breaking up because he was the one who insisted on performing a blood test, although he knows that the two shouldn't have been kept together after finding out that they were in fact related.

Fighting style:
Though he is equiped with the most docile weapon, he makes up for it with his leafy element which is the second most useful power in the group, after Michelangelo. When in battle, he prefers to use his bo as his power is quite difficult to master. He doesn't like to kill his opponents, but rather injure them instead. Donatello is quite well rounded in both weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, but when it comes down to it, he would rather fight with his mind than with his body.
Donatello Croft
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