The Secret Beach
David Adams�
Home James!
����������� My "hidden treasure" is a secret beach. I go to this beach mainly when my brother comes home. This beach is wonderful year round, and there are many things to do. It's also a great place to go and think, or just relax. This "treasure" is well hidden on a place called "Rugged Island" and is about a mile walk from the parking lot. My brother found this place, and it is our meeting place when he comes back to Virginia. We meet there to unwind, catch up, and talk about the future.�
����������� �A long time ago my brother got bored and went driving, ending up near a fishing spot. Armed with a lighter, a dying cell phone, and a pocket knife, he started to walk down a nearby path, at three in the morning. How he found it and had the nerve to explore it, I shall never know. Now, I will be kind and share part of the "treasure map" of how to get to this beach. Step 1) Go over the James River Bridge towards Smithfield, and take the first left after the bridge. Step2) Park your car in the little parking lot. Step 3) Walk down the path, that is in between the mostly dead trees. To your right will be a marsh with the moon shimmering off the water and turning those trees into silhouettes of the night. Follow this path till you run out of dirt. Step 4) At the end of the path there will be an old washed-out bridge in front of you. Don't take it. Instead take the nice new bridge to your left. Walk down the bridge admiring the gorgeous scenery all around you. This walkway dead-ends on the James River. Step 5) At the end of the bridge jump off of the right side of it onto the beach. �
You should have a great view of the   James River Bridge, and the Newport News Shipyard. On your right will be high grass walk for about a half a mile and you will magically appear on a beach with no one on it, near the edge of the tree line.
����������� Now you're at this secret beach, but what is there to do? Let me tell you! Go to the woods, and grab fire wood, and start a fire. Bring something to drink, like a root beer. Maybe bring some smore fixings. However, I don't always sit and marvel at splendor of the relaxing atmosphere, I sometimes go explore the woods. I love the feeling of sitting on a beach at night, with a camp fire softly glowing, that warms my flesh and my soul, woods to my right, and a gentle cool breeze blowing on your back. I Love to sit, drinking my root beer, looking at a million blazing lights. I stare at a city of people always in a rush to busy to stop and think, to busy to stop and look at wonders in there own back yard. So, I sat there dwelling in my thoughts that I now can finally hear. I sit and talk to my brother about everything. Then I go home with a smile on my face and somehow, a happier heart. I do not know if you would like my secret beach, but for me, it's the best place in the world.
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