Desserts First Concept Photo
Collection Plate

Photos of Actual Garments
A. Caramel tie-up camisole with fuchsia lace trim; Fuchsia two-piece draped skirt.
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Pastel pink draped blouse; chocolate crushed velour pants with pink belt; chocolate leather shavings neckpiece.

Pastel pink gathered dress with fuchsia/white crinoline.

D. Cream-colored frosting dress with fuchsia skirt and green ribbon trim; white crinoline.
Senior Thesis: Desserts First!
The idea behind this collection was to take inspiration from pictures of cakes. The fabric textures, colors, and trims were all directly inspired by fancy cakes. I wanted to make trims an important part of this collection, because in earlier collections my trim details were very minimal. Click on the links below to view the collection.
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