Currently the moon is in the waning Gibbous Moon phase (74% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is partially cloudy. The temperature is 56 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius). The wind is calm today. The barometric pressure reading is 30.23 and rising, and the relative humidity is 80 percent. The dewpoint is 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 1:13 Pacific Time on Fri Sep 7 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJL)
This small tenement building is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light and space, despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush green potted plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight, though there are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downstairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it. A monitor is perched above the entrance, showing images from the hidden camera that watches the outside of the building.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, along with a small fridge for storing drinks and a cabinet for snackables. The remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

Roger steps up to the door, the camera there picks him up and makes the familiar whirring noise to indicate an arrival. A moment later after looking up into the camera and smiling, Roger unlocks the door and steps inside.

Dizzy is right in the lobby, looking down as if studying the floor. Her hat is off her head and in her hands, held behind her. She almost projects the image of someone being arrested.

Roger is in his trenchcoat again, one might notice as he simply and soundlessly points towards the basement.

Dizzy simply nods and walks into the basement, silently.

The basement consists of plain cement flooring and walls. Aside from one wall, which is made out of metal and has a matching steel door. This leads into the second half of the basement. Nothing has been done to make the place homey at all. It is little more then a cement cube. With a small drain in the middle of the floor, and a hose curled up and resting neatly in one corner. Large chucks have been torn out of the cement walls and are in various stages of repair.
The infirmary is the second half of the basement. There are three cots in the room, along with a storage cabinet that holds simple bandages, to IV bags and painkillers that should not be available outside of a hospital. The floor is covered by a thick pile rug, while the walls are a warm rosy color. The buildings furnace is tucked into one corner, occasionally roaring into life.

Roger follows behind the cub as she decends into the basement, making sure the door closes and locks behind them. Once they are well into the room, he looks over Dizzy. "Do you understand what you did wrong?"

"I was caught in a Catch 22," Dizzy says, tossing her hat onto a cot. "The Litany says Submission to Those of Higher Station, but also to Protect the Veil. I figured that the Veil was more important."

Roger narrows his eyes and frowns. "First of all. You didn't answer my question. Second of all. What you just said made you sound like Jonathan... trying to explain your way out of something. Accept that punishment is coming and just think about why... Now. Do you understand why you are being punished?"

Dizzy winces a bit at being compared to Hops. "The only possible wrong that I can see that I perpetrated was failing to walk into to that ally when Kit orded me too. I do realize that I may have made more noise and commotion than was probably necessary, but sometimes I notice that garou forget to be people, when among other people." Dizzy pauses, having more to say, but choosing to judge Roger's reaction first.

Roger just sighs about now and raises a hand to make sure she doesn't continue. "You aren't human for one thing. Wearing a human's skin does not mean you act like one, in public or not. Think of it as acting like royalty... someone who is among then but not of them. Someone who watches over them like a protector... or a judge and executioner. Second of all... I'm pretty sure the Fury would have beaten you ten ways till sunday, but thats not important for you. Not as a cub. As a cub you listen, you always listen. The only exception is when you have a /specific/ order saying otherwise from an elder."

"She wouldn't have wanted to beat me up in the alley if I had shown fealty or bought drugs or whatever the fuck that guy wanted. Just because another person is a garou doesn't incline me to like them, expecially if they're trying to get me to do stuff I tried to leave behind." Dizzy slips off her jacket and tosses it over her hat. "But if you're going to shoot me or gut me or whatever for that, then so be it."

Roger just sighs once again. "You cubs need to quit it with that shit. That 'go ahead and hurt me' attitude. You think that is all we do? For another thing, that bag of /drugs/ was oregano. An herb... for ritual use no less. That was your main mistake, getting so worked up thinking it was drugs. He said he told you it was oregano and you chose not to believe him. Now... I don't really care. What happened happened. But I want an apology from you."

Bah. He probably showed Roger a bag of oregano that he had. Not that uncommon of a tactic to carry a bag of harmless material around. Dizzy is quite surprised that Roger is choosing a non violent route. "The 'hurt me' attitude comes from the fact that not too long ago I got shot for no f... reason. I've lived twenty years as a human, but only 2 months as a garou. I need a little time. And all the time anytime we've done anything wrong, bam, we get ripped into, kicked, beaten up, et cetera. An apology, I can do. To you. To John. I already apologized to Kit, made peace with her, about a previous transgretion, though. That night, in fact. Now I'm sorry I did that. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Roger sags a bit around the shoulders, "Don't you see the problem in this. Let me tell you a little story..." For this, Roger sits on the ground, "About a tribe of Garou called the Bunyip."

Dizzy takes a comfortable seat on the cot with her hat and jacket, which she slides over to make room for her. If the last story was any indication, this should be good.

Roger nods his head and begins. "The Bunyip. One of the three lost of the major tribes of the Garou. The saga of the Bunyip is not one of glory, but shame. The tribe was not slain by agents of the Wyrm, or minions of the Weaver, or even humans. No... instead it was us, the other tribes of the Garou. During the Imperguirm, the Bunyip tribe was the strongest in Australia. European Garou, eager for a home far from the Wyrm, invaded the Bunyip's tribal homelands and fought with them for dominance. They allow themselves to be used by the wyrm even, as Black Spiral Dancers would pit brothers against each other. They did not want this life. They wanted to fight for Gaia, the the Wyld which was strong in Austrialia until others came and spilled unneeded blood. Overcome with despair at their brothers' pettiness, Bunyip in other caerns stalked off into the spirit world of Dreams... never again to return or be seen. All this, because of not blind eyes... but eyes that could see, and simply choose not to. They fought with each other, and hardly knew why..." He pauses to open his eyes again which seemed to have drifted closed during the story, "Do you see why this story is important and relevant?"

"Yes," Dizzy answers simply. She doesn't have a problem with any tribes in general, just certain members. She picks up her jacket and starts to fold it in her lap.

Roger nods to this and seems a bit appeased. "Its come to my attention that while we're teaching you cubs, we are over protecting you as well. Taking no risks in furthering your education or making you useful. This will change soon, tell the other cubs. You may leave."

Dizzy grabs her hat and pushes herself off the cot. "Furthuring our education? I'm not sure I understand. We've been going through morning training with John and Daisy, and John gave the okay for me to go back to school part time, plus, I'm seeing Yi about training as well."

Roger shakes his head and smiles ferally. "You are learning... and training... but soon, you'll be /doing/.

Dizzy nods, "Oh, okay." She moves toward the door, "I'll see you later."

Dizzy walks up and out of the basement.

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