Walker Safe House(#2832RAJ)
This small tenement building is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light and space, despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush green potted plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight, though there are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downstairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it. A monitor is perched above the entrance, showing images from the hidden camera that watches the outside of the building.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, along with a small fridge for storing drinks and a cabinet for snackables. The remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

After about fifteen minutes, there's a light knocking on the door before it pops open, Jeremy peering inside. "Hey."

Dizzy stands up and walks as far as the doorway between the rec room and the lobby, "Come on in," she says in a rather loud whisper, motioning for him to do just that.

Jeremy smiles and heads inside, carrying a few DVD's in his hands, and his back pack over one shoulder. He's dressed a bit better then usual, wearing khaki's and a simple black shirt.

Dizzy walks over to the fridge, "What would you like tonight?" she asks, looking through for her personal beverege prefrence.

Jeremy follows after her and offers a shrug of his shoulders. "I suposse any kinda see through soda you got. Sprite.. 7-up.."

Dizzy grabs two cans out of the fridge and closes it. "So, what's up first?" she asks, thrusting the green-colored can at the kin boy.

Jeremy takes it and smiles. "Mallrats of course. So that you can be introduced to the wild intoxicating richness of teen age humor. You will love it."

Popping the top on her can of soda, Dizzy takes a seat on the couch. "Teen age humor?" she asks doubtfully, "I'm debating weather or not thats better than crude frat boy humor."

"Mindless destruction from two hopeful Glass Walker kin is worth it." Jeremy plops down and slips the movie in, grinning. "I give you.. Jay and Silent Bob."

Dizzy shrugs and turns to watch the show, sipping on her coke. "Mindless destruction, whee," she deadpans, twirling a finger in the air.

Jeremy flops down next to her and smiles, popping the tab of his sprite, the moving finally coming on after some weird credits, mostly the two actors, Jay and Silent Bob smacking each other and saying the word 'snoodge' and 'snoochie boochies'. Weird people.

Dizzy laughs and generally enjoys the movie, despite her misgivings. Any criticisms she has about it, are kept to herself.

Jeremy leans back and grins as he watches it, eyes shifting from time to time over to her.

Dizzy watches intently, keeping her eyes glued to the television. She either is not bothered by Jeremy's glances, or she just doesn't notice it.

Jeremy smiles and keeps his attention trained upon the movie the entire time now, leaning back in the cushions. He's seen this a thousand times, but it never fails to make him grin, or even chuckle here or there.

Dizzy glares at Jeremy when the fortune teller scene comes on, giving him the 'look.' Was it entirely necessary to have a scene with a topless woman massaging herself? Dizzy doesn't seem to think so.

Jeremy blinks and glances over at the glare, ducking his head down a bit. He forgot 'bout that part actually. Cheeks rising up in blush, he softly huffs and keeps his gaze back on the screen, just.. not as focused.

Idly sipping at her coke, Dizzy lightens up again as the movie progresses further.

The kin male remains quiet for the rest of the flick, shifting a bit in his seat, sipping idly here or there. Embarrassed? You betcha. He pretty much thought the movie would be a round of laughs, but, oh well, who knows? He's just too /clean/.

Dizzy isn't as quiet, openly laughing at a few scenes. She rolls her eyes with an amused look on her face at the climax. Sure, it's contrived and tasteless, but it's funny.

A light smile touches his lips as he hears her laugh, well, thats a good sign. Jeremy shifts a bit in the seat and draws a knee to his chest, leaning against it, hands circling around to cup his leg.

Dizzy finishes her drink and sets it aside as the movie ends. "That was pretty good, Jer," she remarks, "I have to give it to you, Jay and Silent Bob were hilarious."

Jeremy smiles and dips his head a bit, one finger lightly thumbing along the tab of his soda, making a 'plink' sound. "Yes, well. I figure anyone in our age range would see the humor in it. Its quite funny, low budget, but funny. Those make the best movies I suposse."

Dizzy nods in agreement, "Yeah, it sort of had a low budget feel to it. That definately added to the humor."

Jeremy smiles and shifts a bit to face her on the couch, placing the can down on the ground. "I'm glad you liked it. I was worried you'd think it was stupid and be repulsed by most of the typical male comedy in it."

"Come on," the cub says, shifting in her seat so she can better face Jeremy, "A lot of it was mindless humor, and yes, the move was guy oriented, but it was pretty funny just the same. The fat guy who couldn't see the sailboat, Jay and Bob failing horribly in taking down the stage. The comic book stuff was a little weird, granted. And Brody stinking his hand down his pants before shaking that guy's hand. Ew. I'm going to think twice about shaking people's hands from now on. That was kind of disgusting and the melted chocolate didn't help."

Jeremy smiles and tilts his head a bit, his blue eyes gazing back into the cubs. "Yah.. well.. It was creative, definitly. That is for sure. You may like um... Clerks, but its kinda real nasty, lotsa sexual jokes. Real crude. But it has the same actors in it." Adjusting his glasses a bit along the bridge of his nose, he leans back some.

Dizzy quickly turns her head to the side as Jeremy tries to look into her eyes. The eyes are windows to the soul and Dizzy is quite embarressed that she's basically on a date with her roommate's recently dumped boyfriend. "Kind of real nasty?" she echos as a question, "It's fairly disgusting, then?"

Jeremy shrugs and clears his throat. "Just one part where they talk about.. um.. his ex girlfriend and how she gives oral sex to a /lot/ of guys and um.. its.. just stupid.." Murmuring, the kin shifts a bit, then wets his lips. "But, I didn't bring it, I brought Hackers, the other movie which has different actors and a lot more.. um... special effects I guess. Good music too if you are into trance or dance."

Dizzy nods, "Yeah. I like a lot of dance music, techno, house. That sort of stuff."

Jeremy nods and smiles. "I like classical really." He admits, clearing his throat. "But I can stomach dance and techno."

Dizzy blinks, and leans back in the couch, crossing her legs and smoothng out her skirt, "Classical, huh? I had you pegged for either alternative, goth, or country music."

Jeremy shakes his head with a grin along his face. "Goth? No.. Um.. I don't think so." Smiling, he spins the other movie around. "Did you want to watch this, Or... did you wanna call it a night?"

Dizzy shrugs, "We can watch it if you want. It's not like I've classes tomorrow or anything."

Jeremy grins. "You can always take online college courses at SCCU." He adjusts his glasses. "I did some research on that by the way. They count as credit."

"Really?" Dizzy asks, surprised, "How does that work, taking classes online? Is it through a chat room or something?"

Jeremy chuckles. "No. They email you homework once a week, and you do it, send it back in. You also get packets in the mail, kinda like a home studies thing. Its cool for people who are sick or handicapped and can't make the trip down to the classes."

"I'll have to check that out, then," The cub says. "It'll give me something to do during the day. I never have anything to do after morning training is over."

Jeremy nods his head and smiles. "Cool." Tilting his head a bit, he glances back over to her. "So.. wanna watch Hackers? Or order a pizza or something?"

"Oh, are you hungry? We can order a pizza if you want," Dizzy says, standing up, "I think we have some left over KFC if you feel like chicken."

Jeremy smiles and shrugs. "I'm hungry, yah'. But um.. sure.. we can get a pizza. I got some cash on me anyways."

Dizzy nods and takes out her cellphone. "What kind of toppings do you want?" she asks, dialing.

Jeremy grins slightly. "Sausage.. Um. thats all I really like on a pizza. I'm not much of a veggie guy."

"Okay," she says. Then, into the phone, "Hello? I'd like a pizza delivered." She orders a large sausage pizza for delivery to the safehouse.

Dizzy hangs up the phone and tosses it onto her jacket. "They said they'd be here in half an hour."

Jeremy grins. "They always say that." Standing up, Jeremy heads to the VCR and pops out the first movie, slipping in the next. "We'll watch the other when the pizza gets here. Its a good junk food movie."

"Okay," Dizzy says, sitting back on the couch, "What're we going to do until then?"

Jeremy shrugs idly and relaxes into the couch. "I don't know.. Um... What do you usually do around here?"

"Watch TV," Dizzy sheepishly admits, "Not much else to do around here."

Jeremy grins. "You could always play with yer' computer, learn about that Palm Pilot I got you."

Dizzy responds in a quiet tone, "Not to be mean, Jer, but that stuff is sort of boring."

Jeremy shrugs slightly. "And staring in front of a TV watching re run's of soap opera's or court shows isn't? Everything is boring in some form or another. Its all how you make of it. With a computer, you have the ability to create fun, or seek out something new."

"It's easy entertainment," Dizzy explains, "I don't have to do anything, just sit there and the television does it's thing. No effort necessary on my part."

Opening his mouth to reply in witty retort, Jeremy simply blows it off and shrugs once more, leaning back.

Dizzy grins and pokes the kin boy in the shoulder. "You shouldn't try and argue with me, Jer. I'll always win 'cause I'm always right," she says facetiously.

Jeremy hmphs a bit at the poke. "I could argue with you, and conceivably win. Its just that I can't turn nine feet tall and furry to drive my point home." He grins a bit, wiggling his eyebrows.

Dizzy gives Jeremy a playful push, "Hey. I wouldn't do that." She adds, jokingly, "I'd get shot."

Jeremy grins and flops on his back from the push, his glasses all in disarray. "Uh huh, you just shoved me. Now I'm going to go complain to the Elders and make sure they shoot you twice."

Dizzy shifts to kneel on the couch, straightening up as much as she can and holding her hands out as if they were dangerous claws. "Ooo. Then I'm gonna have to gut you and make sure they don't find out," she says, trying to sound a tad menacing. The effect is completely trashed by her giggling. "Rarr."

Jeremy bursts out laughing at the sight, tilting his head to the side. "Riiiight. You are as intimidating as a piece of bread."

"What if it's a blue and green piece of moldy bread?" She asks with a wry grin. "That'll kill you too. Doesn't matter if it's by terrible werewolf or moldy bread, when you're dead, you're dead."

Jeremy grins at her and makes a 'rarr' right back at her. "Maybe I'm a big scary monster, pretending to be a pathetic whimp in disguise."

Dizzy laughs, leaning back and sitting again. She playfully pretends to kick at the kin boy. "Yeah, and there are men with guns waiting out side too, right?"

Jeremy blushes and ducks his head a bit. ".. I was so stupid.."

Dizzy shakes her head, grinning. "Better that you did that than me changing at school, or at a party or somewhere else out in the open."

"You'd have to get invited to a party first." Jeremy teases, his blue eyes flashing playfully.

"What?" Dizzy screeches. She quickly looks around for a pillow or other soft object to throw at the boy. "You are so going to get it," she warns.

Jeremy laughs and hops to his feet, backing away a bit. "Hey, is that the door? I think the pizza is here." Grinning, he rushes quickly for the front.

"You'd better run," Dizzy yells after him, laughing. She gets up and takes another soda out of the fridge.

Jeremy opens up the door and greets the pizza guy, a chuckle echoing in his throat. Passing over money and pizza, he turns around. "You can't hit me when carrying pizza.. I'm on.. um.. base."

Dizzy grins evilly. "Oh, that's okay," She tells him in a sing-song sort of voice. "I'll just get you later, when you _least_ expect it. Just like all my other victims. Bwa ha ha," she adds, with a mock evil laugh.

Jeremy puts the pizza down and smiles, turning his head to meet her gaze for a moment. "Oh? The night that will never end eh'? I guess I'll just have to entertain you with my mind numbing teen age movies."

Dizzy makes a big show of sitting down, as if she were royalty. "Yes, yes," she says snobbishly, "You must entertain me, or I'm afraid I'll have to have your head removed."

Jeremy murmers softly under his breath. "Oh, darn." Sitting down, he slides the pizza towards them. "If you want, I could play tic tac toe with all the sausage and try to form pictures."

"Nope, nope," Dizzy says, continuing the farce, "No playing with your food or... I'll be forced have to have your hands removed." She opens her soda and sets it down.

Jeremy groans. "Garou and violence. Gee'. Go figure. First my head, now my hands. What next?" Opening up the box, he takes a deep breath. "I'll get some plates."

Dizzy giggles, "Oh yes, I'm _so_ violent. Rarr. Oooo, Corey gave me the funniest name the other day at the park. Protects-Others-from-Themselves. How funny is that?"

Jeremy grins. "Thats a good cub name. Real fitting for a Ragabash actually." Shifting a bit, he slips off the couch and heads to the kitchen to fetch some plates.

"I used it earlier when I met Matt at Bernie's house," Dizzy says. "He's got a real heavy accent."

Jeremy comes back with some plates. "I never met him. At least, I do not believe I have." Sitting back down, he passes one over to her.

"He's some high up Fianna, I think," Dizzy says, holding out an empty hand towards Jeremy. "I think he said Beta."

Jeremy gives her the plate, then takes a few pieces out of the box for himself. "Oh. Hmmm.. Well, perhaps I will meet him soon."

Dizzy takes a couple of pieces for her own plate. "I dunno, he seemed like a rough biker type."

Jeremy nods his head and starts to work on the first piece of pizza, eating slowly, not in a messy rush. Leaning over, he taps the movie in and presses play.

Dizzy sits back to watch the movie. She takes a drink of her soda, sets it back to the side and starts on her first slice.

And so the movie goes on. A pretty good plot for another low budget film, but at least these had special effects. A group of teen age hackers exposing a corporation for stealing money through a back door virus, trying to stay out of prison and save the world! It even has a real hot chick, a pretty good looking blonde guy named "Zero Cool." And an amazing techno sound track.

Dizzy seems to enjoy the movie as she eats her pizza. It doesn't seem to be as obviously entertaining as the last movie, but she's not overtly disgusted either.

Jeremy watches it with an amused expression on his face. Its not a great movie, but it does have a lot of witty banter, cool techno babble and well, an apple laptop!

Dizzy seems more interested in the paying attention to the whole romance aspect of the movie rather than the baddass hacking. No wonder nerds never get girlfriends if this is how they imagine they'll be.

There is 'romance' in this movie? Wait, look, another apple laptop! Jeremy tucks his hands back behind his head and lets out a soft sigh, oh, how he wishes for a powerbook.

The soundtrack is pretty nice, but the whole thing seems pretty unrealistic, even from Dizzy's point of view. It's a movie about a culture that tries to make itself look cool, when in reality it's just a bunch of pimply-faced boys alone in their rooms.

Duh, but it does have apple powerbooks! Now that the movie is over, Jermey simply grins and glances over to her. "Ok..so.. maybe it was real stupid.." He trails off, already figured what she was ganna say.

Dizzy smiles at Jeremy, "Yah. Nice soundtrack, though. And that Dade guy was kind of cute." She finishes her soda and sets it next to the other empty can.

Jeremy grins slightly and shrugs his shoulders. "You know, he's actually married to Angelina Jolie in real life. Um..she played Acid Burn."

"I did not know that," Dizzy notes. "Is that the last movie?"

Jeremy nods his head with a shrug. "Yah, I only brought two over. I figure five hours of fun should be more then enough eh'"

Dizzy blinks, five hours? She glances around, looking for a clock, "Oh geeze. How late is it already?"

Jeremy shrugs and offers her a smile. "Well.. I dunno.. probably around two in the morning by now."

Dizzy sighs, relaxing and leaning back in her seat. "Oh, it's not that late, then."

Jeremy grins. "Two in the morning isn't late?" He asks, closing the empty pizza box and putting it on the floor.

Dizzy grins back at him, "Nah. I used to stay out later than this all of the time."

"Well, I suposse you are lucky to have some kinda life. I on the other hand tend to fall asleep on my keyboard." Jeremy shifts a bit on the couch, then swivels around to face you.

Dizzy laughs, "That's why I always take late classes, so I can stay out at night and not have to wake up early."

Jeremy smirks at her. "Yah well.. I tend to get it out of the way early in the morning, so I have the rest of the day and night to myself. Which usually ends up being the same thing, which is...well... the computer."

You say "Well, why not go out at night? Socialize."

Jeremy shrugs. "Um.. Cuz', I'm not good at it. I'm not very likeable to the 'in' crowd."

"Well you're from Portland, right? So, who knows you here in St. Claire? If no one knows who you actually are, you can dress up however you like and people will automatically make judgement based on that. You are what others think you are."

Jeremy shrugs his shoulders once again, sighing. "I don't know how to 'act' cool tho', or fit into a crowd. C'mon now, you can hide the geek behind baggy jeans or whatever, but it doesn't make the person any cooler."

"Cool," Dizzy explains, "is just a state of mind. If you act cool, and no one knows any different, then you are cool. It's simple."

Jeremy nods his head slowly, then shrugs. "I don't think I'm even able to pretend to be cool." A deflated sigh. "Oh well, its not important I guess. Maybe I like just being a computer nerd."

"Well then, I'll take you out, once I can go out, and we'll find a club or something. No one cares who you are at a place like that," Dizzy says with resolve.

Jeremy wrinkles his nose. "Last club I went to was with Rina.. um.. place called the Temple. She was drunk and she kissed me." He tilts his head a bit. "I bet she had nightmares ever since then once she sobered up. She was way outta it."

Dizzy blinks, obviously surprised at this confession. "Oh," is all she says in response.

Jeremy shrugs. "I mean -way- outta it. I said Hi to her, next I knew, she was kissing me. Then she stopped, blinked once, grabbed my hand an dragged me to the bar and started to drink more. I haven't been back there since. The club is full of weirdo's and goth's and people wearing leather bondage."

"Why does it not surprise me," Dizzy says, brushing her hair behind her ears and sounding a tad annoyed, "that she would hang out in a place like that? What exactly does that girl do beside hang on John and make him worry all of the time?"

Jeremy shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. She seems like the type of girl you don't bring home to mom ya'know. I guess her an John are good for each other."

"I met Kit the other day," Dizzy admits, leaning back and looking down at her feet, "It's sad. You're such a nice guy and all these girls treat you horrible."

Jeremy shifts a bit and sighs. "Kit didn't treat me horribly, she was just -real- direct and.. well.. intimidating." Rubbing his neck, he bites on his lip. "The real question is -why- would anyone show interest in a dork like me? I start to wonder if anyone lost a bet or something."

Dizzy shrugs, still not looking at the kin boy, "You're a nice guy, Jer. Not all girls want a bad boy on a motorcycle. Some of us have had quite enough of that type."

"Yah, but I'm a computer nerd." Jeremy says, exhaling. "I'm definitly not much to look at. I walk into walls without my glasses. I weigh just barely past 130, and I couldn't dress if my life depended on it. So.. I dunno.. maybe I'm easily manipulatable."

Dizzy doesn't say anything, just sits there, looking at her feet. Maybe she's thinking of buying new shoes?

Jeremy shifts a bit on the couch uncomfortably, then sighs. ".. Sorry.. Um.. I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing?" Dizzy asks, still not looking at Jeremy.

"Just for going off like that, ya'know.. um... just saying sorry." Jeremy glances over at her. "You ok?"

Dizzy nods her head, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking... about stuff."

"What about?" The kin asks, scooting over a bit to face her, chin propped up in his palm.

Dizzy blushes, feeling promptly on the spot, she shifts in her seat and looks away from Jeremy. "N-Nothing," she stammers. "J-Just stuff, you know?"

"No, I don't know unless you tell me. I'm not good at puzzles or riddles or the female mind." Jeremy sinks a bit into the cushions and lifts his head up.

Dizzy stands up and smooths out her skirt, smiling to Jeremy, "Thanks for coming over. I had a great time."

Jeremy feels his features fall. ".. Oh.. Um... Yah.. Me too." Standing up, he brushes down his khaki's an shrugs. "So.. maybe we can do this.. um.. again sometime?"

Dizzy nods, trying as hard as she can to keep up the facade of a smile. "Yeah... some other time... that would be great."

Jeremy lets out a sigh. "Dizzy... If you need to talk to someone.. um.. I'm a good listener.."

Dizzy nods again, her eyes drifting to the wall to the side of them, "Yeah... I'll... call you? If anything comes up, I mean."

The uncomfortable silence settles in for a moment, before Jeremy finally says. ".. Ok.. Um... Good night, or morning. Whatever you consider three a.m." And with that, he heads for the door.

Dizzy watches the kin boy leave, then flops back onto the couch with a heavy sigh, closing her eyes and trying to sort out everything running through her head.

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