Currently the moon is in the waxing Half Moon phase (57% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is a cloudy day. The temperature is 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the southwest at 6 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.12 and falling, and the relative humidity is 86 percent. The dewpoint is 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 03:11 Pacific Time on Sun Jul 29 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJ)
This small tenement building is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light and space, despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush green potted plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight, though there are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downstairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it. A monitor is perched above the entrance, showing images from the hidden camera that watches the outside of the building.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, along with a small fridge for storing drinks and a cabinet for snackables. The remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

Kit knocks at the door looking rather tired and a bit worn out.

Walking in from the rec room, Dizzy opens the door, "Hello?" she asks, not recognizing the person standing there.

Kit raises an eyebrow at Dizzy curiously, not really remembering her either. "Mind if I come in for a sec? Kit. Philodox of the Black Furies," she adds quietly after glancing over her shoulder to see who's about on the street.

Dizzy peers around the Fury to see if anyone else is around, waves her in and shuts the door. "Dizzy, Spins-in-Circles. Ragabash Glass Walker cub," she introduces herself, trying to remember if she has met or heard of Kit somewhere before.

Kit steps into the room, scanning the floor for the blood from the previous nights. "Don't suppose Jeremy or Sophia is up, hmm?" asks as she heads for a nearby seat. "Sorry for sitting down without asking, but I was just on a long run and it's kinda late for me. I'm also known as Little-Cat by the way. Nice to meet you Dizzy."

The blood that was there is now gone, apparently it has been cleaned. Dizzy nods in acknowlegement to Kit and answers, "Sophie's probably asleep, and I'm certain that Jer isn't around."

Kit furrows her brow slightly in puzzlement. "Certain? Something happen," she asks curiously.

Dizzy looks away quickly, "Ah... no. It's just that he's not really comfortable around Sophie right now." She starts walking twards the rec-room, pretending that going there is where she was intending on doing.

Kit chuckles faintly. "Where're you off to," she inquires, not really feeling like sitting by herself until she recouperates enough to make the long trek back to the bawn.

Dizzy stops, and motions for Kit to follow her, "Into the rec room. Come on, the couch and chairs and stuff are in there. Drinks too."

Kit nods as she stands and follows Dizzy willingly. "Drinks and chairs sound good to me," she says with a smile. "I really should get a car someday."

Relieved that they've moved on to another issue, Dizzy remarks, "Yeah, I've got a car, but it's pretty useless for now. Until either the rule is revoked, or I get rited. Either way, it's going to be a long wait."

Kit raises an eyebrow in her typical fashion for when something sparks her interest. "Rule," she asks curiously as she rolls her head, making her neck pop a couple times.

Dizzy nods, "None of the Walker cubs can leave without a cliath babysitter."

Kit chuckles, remembering a similar rule. "Oh fun. I was in that boat once. Except I was stuck in the woods in a small house," she says with a grin. "With a whole bunch of bitchy women," she adds as an afterthought. "Bad thing about garou women is that they have /two/ times of the month," she says with a smirk. "Anyways, how're you holding up to Garou life so far?"

Dizzy pushes back her hair, "Oh, it's rough. I've been to the farmhouse, though. Wish I could at least go there without an escort, though, since there's just a bunch of cubs there too. And I'm going to have to disagree with you on one point. No time of the month is safe any more. During the time around the new moon, I noticed that Corey and I started acting really weird, and then around the full moon, _everyone_ is on edge. And then, of course, there is _that_ time, when I'm generally in a bad mood, so it's really hard to find time when I feel like normal me."

Kit nods in agreement as she takes one of earlier said seats. "Normal you kind of has a whole new meaning doesn't it," she asks thoughtfully.

Dizzy ponders that, taking a seat herself, "Well, I suppose so. I mean, I'm me no matter what, but, I guess what I feel is _normal_ is just what I've been comfortable with for a long time."

Kit considers the response and nods her agreement. "This isn't the most normal of cub houses either. Lots of stress here from the stories I've heard. Not sure how I got involved, but I did."

Dizzy blinks, and inquires, "How you got involved? Now, I may have seen you before, I can't quite remember. Please, tell me how you are 'involved.'" Her voice is trite and challenging. Apparently she doesn't trust the words coming from the Fury's mouth.

Kit smiles in amusement at Dizzy, not really getting offended by the cub. More important things to be mad at lately. "I'm one of the reasons Jeremy and Sophia broke up," she says simply.

A look of sudden realization crosses Dizzy's face, as she realizes who she is talking to. She starts to speak, stops to think for a second and begins again, "I see. But I think you are more of an excuse Sophie used to break up with Jeremy. She's just too young for a serious relationship."

Kit nods in agreement. "I'd think so, but I wasn't much younger than her when I had my first relationship with a kinfolk," she says with a shrug. "So why so touchy," she asks bluntly as she gets to her feet.

"Forgive me for saying so, but Jeremy is nicely messed up right now just dealing with Sophia. Just leave the poor boy alone. I've had to talk him out of leaving back for Portland at least three times already," Dizzy explains, even more annoyed that her touchyness has been pointed out.

Kit sighs and shakes her head as she stands. "Jeremy can deal with it," she says simply, ignoring the irritation in the other girl's voice. "He owes me a couple answers and I will get them," she says in an assertive tone as she heads for the front door. "And don't presume to order those of higher rank around, Dizzy. Good way to get in a fight," she adds around a yawn.

That last set of comments really irks Dizzy, who stands up. "You better hope I don't meet you in McDonalds," she threatens, dead serious despite how ridiculous it sounds.

Kit stops in mid stride, and looks over her shoulder with a heated glare. "Better be thankful you're still a cub in your safehouse Dizzy," she replies as her blood finally begins to boil. In fact, it seems to have jumped Kit up to almost the point of laying the smack down. "One thing you better learn fast is that no one is going to take your shit, especially physical threats when you're simply an unarmed Walker Ragabash." Kit reaches down into her boot and produces what looks like a small hiltless knife. If Dizzy knew about such things, she might realize it was a throwing knife.

Dizzy steps back, eyeing the knife warily. She may not know what exactly it's used for, but it's a weapon just the same.

Kit flips the knife once in a practiced manner. "Watch your mouth," she says angrily before continueing to the door. "I'll let myself out."

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