Currently the moon is in the waxing Half Moon phase (53% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is a cloudy day. The temperature is 57 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the southwest at 13 mph, with gusts up to 20 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.11 and rising, and the relative humidity is 80 percent. The dewpoint is 51 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 11:51 Pacific Time on Sat Jul 28 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJ)
This small tenement building is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light and space, despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush green potted plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight, though there are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downstairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it. A monitor is perched above the entrance, showing images from the hidden camera that watches the outside of the building.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, along with a small fridge for storing drinks and a cabinet for snackables. The remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

The television is on in the rec room. Dizzy is sitting on the couch intently watching a daytime soap.

Lianne makes her way into the safe house, slosing the front door behind her. While she hears to the TV playing in the other room, she pauses to inspect the what is left of a blood stain in the front hallway. Actually, there isn't anything left at all. Someoen did a fair cleaning job. Nodding her head in silent aproval, the kinswoman heads into the rec room.

Dizzy looks up as a commercial comes on the television. "Hello Lianne," she greets the kin.

"You know," Lianne coments. "Those things will rot your brain."

Dizzy shrugs and leans back in the couch, "It's not like I really have that much to do. Being locked in like this sucks."

Lianne's lips thin in a disaproving scowl. "You can't tell me, that you have already learne everything you need to know as Garou?"

"Well, you can only do so much on your own," Dizzy answers, a tad annoyed, "And potential teachers have their own lives to tend to."

Lianne snorts, not at all impressed with the cub's answer. "Have you even attempted to practice you're fighting skills today?"

Dizzy looks at the kin woman incredulously, "Fight? Yeah right. Look at me, Lianne. Do I look like I can fight? John trounces me every time we practice."

"And how do you expect to get any vetter, if you don't practice?" Lianne pauses for a second. "Its not surprising that Joh alwasy wins, he is a full moon and a Cliath. He has alot mor eexperience then you do."

"I'm not supposed to fight anyway. I've got to be sneaky and stuff. Recon work or whatever," Dizzy says, trying to be contrary.

Lianne huh-huhs. "And what happens when you try to sneak up on something and it spots you? If you don't now how to fight, you'll be dead."

"I can run," Dizzy offers.

Lianne says "Can you run faster then a silver bullet?"

Dizzy says sarcastically, "Can anyone?"

Lianne says "You can stop it from being fired in the first place."

"The best way to avoid being hit is to not be there, or something like that," Dizzy misquotes.

Lianne says "But you'd hardly be getting anything useful done, if you weren't there is the first place."

"Then you make sure they arn't where the useful stuff needs to be done, or have a diversion. I'm sure the idea of tactics are not lost on garou."

Lianne shakes her head and offers up a faint smile. "You're good at arguing, I'll give you that much."

Dizzy continues to push her point, "It's not that I don't think the lockdown is a good idea in theory, but say I want to go out with Jeremy just to hang out and stuff. Nope, can't do it. I think I've been pretty good about the fact that my life is suddenly turned upside down, but I'd like to hold on to some vestige of my normal life."

Lianne shrugs. "I had nothing to do with that decision, nor is it my place to alter it."

Dizzy sighs, "I know. But Daisy isn't exactly the easiest person to talk to, you know?"

"She's a lupus." Lianne states, as if that explains everything.

Dizzy nods, as that pretty much proved the point she was trying to make, "Exactly."

Lianne shrugs. "I would be happier with John as Elder, personally. He is easier to get ahold of, and he was born human."

Dizzy sifts in her seat, something has her attention, "How did Daisy become Elder?"

Lianne says "From what I was told, the old Sept Alpha made her Elder. The only Walkers left in the city were Roger and Lucca. You've met Roger, he's a Metis and completly off his rocker half the time. Lucca wasn't much better."

You say "I've heard of Lucca. A couple of people have mentioned her, but I've never met her.""

Lianne shrugs. "She had an unholy fasination with Pokemon, that children's cartoon."

Dizzy blinks, "Um... okay."

Lianne says "As I said before, our choices for elder were... Limited."

"So when did John come along?" the cub asks.

Lianne hmms. "Recently enough. I'd ask John that question, as I doubt that I learned of him the moment he steped into St. Clair."

Lianne says "Long enough, that he has made a considerable diffrence to the Tribe."

Dizzy ohs and thinks on that.

Dizzy slowly drifts back to the television, a tad disgusted that she's missed a startling plot twist.

Lianne glances toward the lobby, in the general direction of the basement door. "Has that cub calmed down yet?"

Dizzy shrugs, keeping her eyes on the tube. "I dunno. He hasn't stirred while I've been down here."

Lianne snorts. "Pathatic. He nearly didn't shift at all, and we just passed his birth moon for luna's sake. The wolf must be growing particularly thin in our tribe, if a cub has trouble healing from a mere gunshot wound."

"If I can be so blunt," Dizzy says, turning again to face the kin woman, "But Hops was a conniving asshole. I wouldn't be sorry to see him culled. He was bordering on breaking the Litany."

Lianne scowls, fixing all of her attenion on Dizzy. "Continue."

Dizzy blinks, she didn't realize Lianne hadn't heard of the recent events concerning the recently shot cub. "Hops was the one got Sophie to break up with Jeremy by telling her that all guys want from girls is sex. I know he's tried to see her naked by stealing a sheet she was using to cover up with while trying to heal in glabro. Sophie even said that he once told her he wished she wasn't garou."

Dizz adds, "I dunno if he had any designs on me, but he about attacked me once when he himself was naked."

Lianne hmms, frowning thoughtfully. "I see, I caught was him yelling something about loving her like a brother." The kinswoman shrugs, expression calm. "I would strongly recomend that you speak to John about this."

Dizzy brings up a foot to sit half-indian style on the couch, "I did, when we were coming home from picking Sophie up at the caern. That's when I learned about his comment to her."

Lianne says "And John has done nothing about this?"

Dizzy asks, "Isn't that why he got shot?"

Lianne shakes her head. "No," she says flatly. "He shifted to Glabro and picked Jeremy up to intimidate him. Fortunatally, our tribe knows the value of its kinfolk. Abuse and intimidation are not welcome, it causes bad feelings and that can be a dangerous situation."

Dizzy ohs, "The shooting was just for that? Oh geeze. Not that that wasn't bad. I wanted to do bad things to him after I heard about that. I had to plead Jeremy to come back. Poor boy, he always gets the shit end."

"Just for that," she says, repeating Dizzy's words sarcastically. "Kinfolk are the Garou's greatest strength, and weakness. We are your mothers and fathers. The closest thing Garou will ever find, to people who will understand who and what they are. But, what happens if we decide that Garou are nothing more then monsters? We are Family, but we are also the best equiped to kill Garou. All it would take is a silver hollowpoint bullet and a sniper rifle."

Dizzy shakes her head, "No, I didn't mean it like that. There's a whole lot of shit, and I just didn't realize that it was for only one piece of the pie, you see?"

Lianne shrugs. "I didn't know of the other things, only what I was told. I offered a lesson that the cub was unlikely to forget and John agreed. However, I don't belive that he was expecting me to shoot the cub."

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