Currently the moon is in the waxing Half Moon phase (48% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it's a sunny day. The temperature is 71 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the southwest at 14 mph, with gusts up to 17 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.09 and falling, and the relative humidity is 49 percent. The dewpoint is 51 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 17:18 Pacific Time on Fri Jul 27 2001.

Roach Motel: Bachelorette Pad(#4128RAJ$)
Small, but inviting, this little apartment is clearly dwelling of a person who spends a lot of time at home. The sitting area has a reclining chair with heating, massage, and built in stereo speakers. The sofa is big enough to fit two comfortably. The home entertainment center is overloaded with scores of books. Titles like "Rescuing the Bible From Middle America" or "Zarathustra: Modernism in Antiquity" can be seen here, along with dozens of dime-store paperbacks. Though the TV set and all its accompanying equipment take up quite as much space as the books, the electronics are somewhat dwarfed by the quantity of reading material. A fine writing table and a computer desk are crowded in, the computer powered up and humming softly. Two swivelling office chairs sit nearby, at attention. The walls are decorated with nature scenes, among them a well-rendered image of a pack of wolves howling at a full moon.
The kitchen looks as if it might never have been cooked in. A small microwave on the counter is still blinking "12:00", no one having bothered to set the clock. Beside it is an electric can opener. The only evidence of use is a single glass in the stainless steel sink and a few fast-food bags in the trashcan. The sole decoration on the refrigerator is a postcard bearing a photograph of a monstrous, grimy power plant with "Come to Hanford!" printed on the bottom in fluorescent green.
Through a door opposite the kitchen, the tiny bedroom looks slightly more lived-in. On top of a black particle-board dresser sit a hairbrush, a few hair-ties, and several plastic hairclips, along with a small pile of cheap costume jewelry. A frame designed to hold several of snapshots is hung squarely on the wall. One bed is made, a bright yellow bedspread bravely trying to cheer up the room. Another is made half-heartedly, the bedspread just carelessly tossed over the top, as if to humor someone.

Kaz relaxes completely. "Oh, yeah. Ok. I was just... Anyway, yeah, place've your own's real good."

Sophia shrugs. "I'll pass on the message to Diz, but look... if you find yourself needing a place to stay, we've got plenty of options here. Don't be a stranger, K?"

The kin boy spares a glance over to Sophia for a moment, then sighs. Lightly shaking his head a bit, he heads for the door. "Sure.."

Look, she awakes again! Dizzy comes out of the bedroom looking refreshed and well rested. "Hey, people," she greets with a smile. She spots Jeremy and her smile slowly wipes itself away.

Kaz tells Dizzy, cheerfully, "It's armed truce, so far. Armed truce an' headaches."

Sophia just /looks/ at Kaz, blinking.

Jeremy pauses at the door and turns his eyes, facing Dizzy for a moment. Letting out a breath, he clears his throat. "Hey.. Um.. there you are. Um... Just wanted to say g'bye, um, thanks for last night.."

Dizzy cautiously looks at both Sophie and Kaz, and then back to Jeremy, "Yeah... uh. Anytime, Jer." She picks at her hair, trying to think of something, anything, better to say then just that.

Kaz shrugs at Sophia. "Well, ok, it ain't so obvious as to be armed, but it ain't like anyone's comfortable. Although," she adds at Jeremy, "It's good t'see you in gen'ral. I gotta ask you about some stuff, later."

Sophia rubs her forehead, smiling despite herself. "The only weapon I've got at this point is the offer of breakfast. It's meant to be a net of sorts, to keep you in the room, Jer. Only it's not working. So. I guess that's goodbye, then, unless you decide to admit you're really starving and curious to see what a good cook Kaz is."

Sighing, Jeremy has a thousand witty things he could say in retort to at least get back -some- of his wounded and destroyed pride. ".. Um.. sure Kaz.. um.. just call me, I guess, if you want." Staring at the ground, he wiggles his fingers in a gesture towards Dizzy, then turns around and opens up the door, heading out.

Kaz says, mock wounded, "Max loves 'em!" but waves, as he leaves.

Wondering what the heck the kin boy wants, Dizzy follows him out.

The narrow stairwell leads up to a brightly lit hallway, with four doors along the sides, each door equipped with a small one-way peephole and a number. Several small security cameras are mounted near the ceiling. On the far end of the hall hangs a full-length mirror in a simple wooden frame.

The raggie cub stops out in the hall, after the door is closed and asks with anticipation apparent in her voice, "What is it?"

Jeremy glances over to her. "Huh? What do you mean? I was just waving goodbye."

Dizzy shakes her head, keeping her eyes on Jeremy as if she was afraid he'd just dissapear if she even blinked. "Come on. No games, Jer."

"I'm not playing any games. I was just waving good bye. I only came up here to see if you were ok, and well.. just to say bye.. So.. I'm going.." Jeremy trails off with a sigh. "I'm just going to go home.."

"Just home?" Dizzy asks, "Roger's house, or..."

"To Roger's house, then I'm going to move out into my own place most likely. Um... or move into a dorm." Sighing, Jeremy leans against the wall.

Dizzy breathes a huge sigh of relief and smiles. "Good," she says.

Jeremy rubs at his neck some. "So.. um... " He softly says, shrugging. ".. Um.. I don't know what to say now.."

"I'll call you later?" Dizzy asks. "That's a good one. Can't expect me to pay for all of our phone conversations," she adds jokingly.

Jeremy smiles slightly. "I don't pay a dime to call here, its toll free. Its not like I live in another state or something."

Dizzy nods, "Exactly. I've only got so many free hours a month on my cell phone."

Jeremy grins. "You know, I tend to call from Roger's phone, not my cell anyways. Its 'cheaper' that way."

"Well there you go," Dizzy states simply, grinning.

"I'm not good on the phone." Jeremy says, making up an excuse.

"Just come right over then, it's not like I am ever anywhere else," Dizzy says, shooting down the excuse.

"Yah but.. um.. I mean.." The kin sighs. "I.. its just you know.. Sophia..."

Dizzy brushes her hair out of her face, "She's going to be spending a couple of weeks in the woods soon, you know. I'll have the appartment to myself."

Jeremy ohs a bit, then sighs. "I.. um.. guess I can come by then and visit. You know.. if ya don't mind an all. Maybe you can help me out.."

"Help you out?" Dizzy asks, curious.

".. I um.. I don't want to be a nerd.."

Dizzy blinks, shocked, then giggles, covering her mouth. Once she calms herself, she stands up straight and nods, failing to keep a grin off of her face. "Okay," she says, "But you've got to take the inititive to come over, or I won't help you out. Deal?"

Jeremy groans inwardly as he rolls his shoulders back. "Fine..."

Dizzy smiles, very happy. "Okay. I'll see you later, then?"

Jeremy bites his lip a bit and nods, glancing about. "Um.. Yah, do you know where my glasses went to?"

Dizzy thinks about it for a second, looking up at the ceiling. "Uh... you took them off last night when we started drinking."

Jeremy quirks a brow and heads to the stairs. "I should find those, I'm going to start using my contacts more tho'. Um.. now that I got some clear ones."

"Okay, I'll see you later, then." the raggie cubs says, smiling at the kin boy.

Jeremy nods his head and glances over his shoulder to her. "Ok.. Um.. you will. And we should also start getting ready for College ya'know..." He trails off, maybe not really wanting to leave. Its nice to talk about normal stuff.

Dizzy nods, "I had to take the semester off because of, well, this stuff. I really would rather go to school than stay here. The only monsters that're gonna jump out at me there are frat boys."

"Hmph.." Jeremy says dejectedly. "Well.. maybe we can get classes together next semester then, ya'know? General Ed stuff.. Whats you're major?"

"Business Administration," Dizzy answers, "What about you?"

Grinning sheepishly, Jeremy admits. "Computer network engineering for my Bachelors, and my major will be small buisness and science."

Dizzy ohs, interested, "You plan on owning your own business, then?"

Jeremy shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, that'd be nice. For right now though, I'm studying for my bachelors, then I'm going for my MCSE degree and the such. With those under my belt, I'm guaranteed a 150 grand a year job starting."

Dizzy nods, "That'll be nice. You'll be able to retire early and do pretty much whatever you want to do with your life." She sighs, "Even if I go to school, and can't imagine being even able to hold a good job."

"Most Garou don't.." Jeremy admits softly. "Its why they don't go to school, or get rich or whatever. They tend to just..well... die fighting the Wyrm."

Dizzy crosses her arms, "Well, Sophie said that ragabashes don't always fight. They're sneaky types. I figure maybe I can be sneaky by continuing to act with normal people. Like a field scout or something."

"Yer 'ganna have to fight one day tho'." Jeremy softly says as he lifts his gaze up to meet hers. "Everytime is a new risk."

"I know," Dizzy says. Defeated, she drops her arms down and looks to the side, "Like I said. Every day might be the day I die. It's become a very real thing."

Jeremy nods his head slowly. "Even as a kin, I'm still scared ya'know? Cuz'. The wyrm can target me as easily as you guys. Harder to find me, but I can't defend myself really. A gun can't kill a spirit, or a spiral dancer."

Dizzy looks at the kin boy and grins, "Heh. Neither can I. Not that I've ever met a spirit or a dancer."

Jeremy points out. "At least you can shift and /try/ an defend yourself. The only thing I can do is piss in my pants and faint."

Dizzy giggles, "That doesn't matter. We both end up dead."

Jeremy grins sheepishly, then rubs at his eyes. "Did you like that palm I got you? That personal computer."

"To tell you the truth, Jer, I haven't even touched the thing," Dizzy admits. "I have no idea what I'd use it for."

Jeremy grins. "You can add addresses to it, update a calender and daily planner. That kinda stuff. Even games."

Dizzy ahs and observes facetiously, "My daily planner. Yes, I can see it now. Monday, stuck in the safehouse. Tuesday, stuck in the safehouse. Wednesday, stuck in the safehouse. My schedual is always so full!"

Jeremy grins a bit. "You can take down numbers an stuff tho', in case you forget what mine is."

Dizzy pulls out her cellphone and dangles it by the antenna, grinning. "Ah, and do you see this wonderful device? All the phone numbers I need I can keep in here."

"What if you lose your cell phone and you actually have to use a 'normal' phone?" Jeremy counters back, shifting his weight some on his feet.

Dizzy dumps the phone back into her pocket. "Well, I don't plan on loosing it," she says. It's definately no excuse, but it's the only one she's got.

Jeremy can't help but grin, feeling as if he just won that quick battle of the wits. He takes a moment, then says. "I know you have a Macintosh.."

"Huh? Oh, that computer in my car? Yeah. It's for school work and stuff. But I haven't taken it out because, well, no school right now."

Jeremy nods his head. "I -love- Macintosh's. They are my favorite computers. If I had a choice, the world would be ran by them."

Dizzy giggles, "Is there really that big of a difference between one computer and the other. They've all got the same stuff inside."

Jeremy shakes his head, looking shocked. "No, they don't have the same stuff inside! Its so much different in all realities. Everything from motherboard design to operating system."

Dizzy motions to the stairs, "Well, we could go get it out of my car if you want to see it. Set it up and what not."

Jeremy grins a bit wider at that. "Hey, that'd be awesome. Sure, lets do that." A complete recovery? Perhaps, Macintosh's is life's best medicine.

Dizzy smiles, "Well, let's get it, then." She leads the kin boy down and out to her car so that they can fetch it.

Following after her, he swings his hands from side to side, a few bangs falling down into his face. "What color is it?"

"Blue," Dizzy answers, "Well, it's sort of clear too. You can see all of the inside stuff."

Jeremy grins. "Blue eh'? Thats cool. Does it have a DVD player or a CD writer in it?"

Dizzy nods, "Yeah, I can watch DVDs on it. Didn't bring any with me, though." She unlocks the trunk of the car and opens it up. "Here we go."

Jeremy peers down at it and emits a soft squeal. "It has a G3 450 processor with 64 megs of ram, 20 gigs of hard drive and a 16 megabyte ATI Rage Fury graphics card."

Dizzy blinks, "Um... if you say so."

Jeremy nods and points, then bends over to grip the box by the handles, lifting it up. "Its the Late 99' version. Awesome build by the way. The Ram is upgradable to 1.5 gigs. Its sweet. Most motherboards can't handle that kinda raw power."

Dizzy helps by taking out some smaller boxes. The kin boy can take the big one. She nods along with what he says, pretending she understands the technobabble.

Jeremy hefts the box and twists it upwards so that it presses to his chest. And on quick, off balance footsteps, he heads back to the front door quickly before he can drop it.

Dizzy closes the trunk and takes a quick couple of steps so she can open the door for Jeremy.

Jeremy heads inside and plops the box onto the floor, then sinks to his knees in front of it, marveling.

Dizzy giggles, "You gonna pray to it, now?"

Jeremy makes the sign of the cross along his forehead and chest, then opens up the box, wetting his lips. ".. Come to daddy.."

Dizzy gigles and sets down the small boxes she brought in, "Don't eat it now."

Jeremy pulls out the blue beauty and sets it down, then takes a deep breath. ".. Look at it... wow..." His eyes are wide with anticipation, one hand stroking gently down the blue plastic siding. "You are /so/ lucky."

Dizzy brushes a few errant hairs out of her face and shrugs, "If you say so. Dads bought it for me for school work."

"And you have /no/ clue how to use this? Why are you all Glass Walkers here?" With a light sigh, Jeremy starts to plug the keyboard into the usb port, then makes sure the power cord is snug in the back. "These are the best computers in the world, your dad must love you."

"I know how to use one, Jer," Dizzy says, a tad annoyed. "I know how to do research on the internet, and I compose all my papers on a computer." She pointedly avoids the subject of her father.

Jeremy grins back at her. "You know how to use a Mac?"

Dizzy nods, opening one of the boxes, "Yeah, I think." She pulls out the mouse, "Hey, this is weird, it's only got one button on it."

Jeremy simply stares at her, grinning.

Dizzy blinks, "What?"

Jeremy chuckles under his breath, adjusting his glasses. "Nothing.. Its just cute, you don't know how to use a Mac, I think this is the first time you've ever seen one."

Dizzy pouts a bit. "Hey. I've seen these before," she proclaims.

Jeremy laughs and plugs it in, then turns on the power button, watching the screen light up, followed by a 'ding'. "I can show you how to use this. Its easy." He admits, nibbling on his bottom lip, the glow luminating behind his glasses. "Easier then windows."

Dizzy looks over her shoulder and watches, "Well, Windows is pretty easy. Just click on the start button and select the program, unless the little picture is on the main screen part."

Jeremy nods his head. "For Mac, everything is on the desk top, ya'know.. the main screen thingy." He uses the mouse and double taps the hard drive icon, watching another screen pop open. "And.. there is all yer' stuff."

Dizzy slightly bobs her head, watching the screen, "Yeah, that's neat."

"Now, to work on stuff like reports an junk, you would just go here.. to apple works." Jeremy clicks the icon open and watches the options pop up, spread sheet, word processor, all that good stuff. "With this, you can do cells, tables, data bases, and write letters and the such."

The cub smiles, "Cool. Thanks, Jer."

Jeremy gazes at the screen and starts to click away at it, exiting windows, popping up new ones. He looks totally enthralled at this.

Dizzy straightens herself and heads to the kitchen area, "Can I get you something to drink?"

Jeremy hops up to his feet and follows after her, grinning. "Um... I guess a soda, whatever ya got."

Dizzy opens the fridge and removes two sodas from it's chilled depths. She hands one to Jeremy, "Here you go. Thanks for setting up my computer. Don't know what I'll do with it, not until I'm back in school, though."

Jeremy grins. "You can get some games for it. I already got most of the popular ones burnt', so I can load 'em up for ya." His eyes sparkle over as he takes a sip of the soda. "An it was no problem, Mac's are simple to hook up."

Dizzy opens her can and takes a sip. "Nah," she says, shaking her head, "I'm not in to playing games on the computer. Solitare gets boring after a while."

Jeremy laughs. "Wait until you play Unreal Tournament." Leaning agains the counter, he relaxes a bit. "Or maybe Half Life. Both games are awesome."

Dizzy shrugs and sips on her soda. "Whatever. Though, it's not like there is a whole lot to do here. Been watching a lot of TV lately."

Dizzy shrugs and sips on her soda. "Whatever. Though, it's not like there is a whole lot to do here. Been watching a lot of TV lately."

"Well, I can get you hooked up on the internet too." Jeremy admits. "Then you can surf the web, download music or something. Check out naked guys, or.. wolves." He teases.

Dizzy snickers, shaking her head. "You're crazy, Jer. I ever tell you that?" she asks, before taking another sip of soda.

Jeremy raises up a brow and takes another sip of soda. "Me? Crazy? Naaaah."

"Think about, Jer. You hang around with a bunch of people who kidnap little boys and girls and keep them locked in a large, empty, appartment complex," Dizzy says, grinning. "Tell me that's not crazy."

"No, that means the people who kidnap you are crazy. I'm just the guy who sets up computers and get abused by ex girlfriends." Jeremy sips again at the coke, then places it on the counter.

Dizzy shakes her head, not looking pleased. "I don't know what happened with Sophie. I keep trying to talk sense in to her. She said she dumped you so that things wouldn't progress further between you two. I told her she should have talked to you about it, but for some reason she thought what she did was for the best."

Jeremy shrugs. "She told me she loved me.. um.. she sure as hell didn't show it very well. I don't even care. This is why I never dated before." A faint grin forms along his lips. "She's just been acting crazy."

"Sophie's a nice girl, Jer," Dizzy says, "She's just... confused I suppose. And she _is_ only fifteen."

Jeremy shrugs his shoulders. "Garou tend to be more mature tho'. Even eleven year old cliath's act like adults." A soft sigh. "I just figured ya'know.. that most Garou would be like that. She's nice, but she -does- act crazy. When she sees me, she flips out."

Dizzy shrugs, "Maybe she does have feelings for you. I certanly thought so." From the sound of it, she's almost finished with her soda.

Jeremy shakes the remains of his can, then finishes it off after a quick sip. "Maybe.. its just better the two of us 'try' an be friends tho'."

Dizzy finishes the rest of her soda and sets it on the counter, "I guess. I thought you two made a nice couple."

Jeremy shrugs his shoulders a bit, then sighs. "Oh well, its better to break up now, then drag the misery on."

Dizzy frowns, looking down at the floor, "I suppose so. Sophie's just not ready for a serious relationship."

"Yah.... I can tell. I wasn't really looking for one, she's kinda made all the first moves ya'know.. Asking me out an stuff, kissing me. I kinda just let her do whatever. I'm not good at this." Jeremy sighs and traces a finger along the can.

Dizzy smiles, still looking down, "Well, if it makes you feel better, you were probably a great first boyfriend for her. Probably will spoil her for any relationship she gets into with a... less appreciative guy."

Jeremy shrugs. "I guess.. I didn't do anything special. Or..anything at all." He murmurs quietly.

"Sure you did, Jer," Dizzy explains, "You brought her gifts, flowers, were nice to her all of the time. Told her you loved her. That's a hell of a lot more than some guys I've been out with."

Jeremy rubs the back of his neck. "Well. Thats what boyfriends are supossed to do." He says, stubbing his toe against the ground.

Dizzy grins, looking at the kin boy, "Of course. That's what the media has taught us to belive. It may be what they are _supossed_ to do, but not what actually happens in the real world. Even Communism works in theory."

Jeremy glances up at her from behind his bangs, then shrugs once more. "Well, I'm just old fashioned I suposse. My parents taught me to be that way.. ya'know, catch more flies with sugar and honey then vinegar."

Dizzy laughs, "I think a lot of guys would do well to take lessons from you."

Jeremy blushes slightly and rolls his shoulders back some, grinning faintly now. "Nah.. um... whatever, its not that hard to be a good boyfriend."

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