Currently the moon is in the waxing Half Moon phase (47% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is mostly sunny today. The temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the south at 13 mph, with gusts up to 17 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.12 and falling, and the relative humidity is 54 percent. The dewpoint is 51 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 14:12 Pacific Time on Fri Jul 27 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJ)
This small tenement building is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light and space, despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush green potted plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight, though there are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downstairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it. A monitor is perched above the entrance, showing images from the hidden camera that watches the outside of the building.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, along with a small fridge for storing drinks and a cabinet for snackables. The remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

Sophia walks over to the mini-fridge and opens it, its door banging against the wall, bottles tinkling and colliding cheerfully. She takes out a coke and kicks the door shut again with a soft *FWACK!* She hands the beverage to Kaz, grinning. "Hops. He got shot yesterday, by Lianne, for roughing up one of the other kin. The, uh... the one over there slobbering on himself."

Kaz starts to grin, slowly, as she takes the Coke with a muttered thanks. "I /like/ people with guts. Even if they do condescend at the drop of a hat." She finally notices Jeremy, who'd been hidden by the entertainment console, and her jaw drops. "The /fuck/?" She crouches down by him, quickly, but concludes there's not a lot she can do for him. "So." She stands up, an angry glint in her eyes. "What the fuck was fuckin' Jon doin' to fuck with Mr. Shy and Harmless, then?"

Sophia giggles again. "He's not hurt, silly, he's hungover." Her whole face scrunches up, as she pushes herself up onto to the pool table, swinging her legs. "But last week, don't quite remember when, Hops shifted to Glabro and picked him up to explain to Jer that he shouldn't pull out sex toys as gifts for me in front of big crowds of people. Not that Jeremy was /going/ to do that, but anyway. He didn't hurt him, just... lifted 'im up. Well, that, and... scared the shit out of him." She starts giggling all over again.

Kaz relaxes faintly. "Oh," she says, a little embarrassed. But as she pops her Coke open and listens, her eyebrow raises quizzically, under her hair. "So... Hops terrorizin' the kid is funny... Why, again?"

With all the activity in the room, Dizzy stirs from her place on the couch. She sits up and rubs her eyes, not yet registering where she is. "G'morning Sophie," she says with a yawn, streaching out and looking around.

Sophia wrinkles her nose. "Mornin'. Can I get you a glass of vodka? Y'know, hair of the dog?" She grins, taking delight in this whole crazy situation. "Well, see... It wasn't funny. Hops shoulda never done that, and that's why he deserved to get shot. But what /is/ funny... is the whole idea of Jeremy bringing a strap-on in here and just pulling it out of his backpack to show me in front of like ten people. /That/ is a fuckin' hilarious idea. And ya gotta see how it's funny somewhere... otherwise... y'know... the whole fucking thing starts to be... just not so much fun anymore."

Kaz says, "Oh. Right. You gotta laugh or you'll cry. Gotcha, chief. So why was Mr. Shy an' Retirin' gonna be bringin' anyone a strap-on t'begin with anyways? /And/," she adds, shooting Dizzy a grin, "What'm I, chopped liver?"

Dizzy shakes her head to clear it and blinks a couple of times, realizing that she is not in her bedroom, but downstairs in the rec room. "Sorry, good moring to you too, Kaz." She looks over where Jeremy is still passed out and shakes her head.

Sophia points to the ceiling. "What say we head upstairs, let the kid sleep?" She hops off the pool table and walks over to the beanbag to fetch her book and soda.

Kaz looks upwards. "Sounds like a plan to me. Mebbe we can clean the blood up, once he wakes up."

Dizzy stands up from the couch and looks between her roommate and the Gnawer, "Well, if you two will excuse me, I need to take a shower and get dressed."

Kaz blinks at Dizzy. "Yeah, sure, whatever. I'll catch you later. I'm just here to annoy people. With brownies.'

Sophia nods. "Hey, y'know. We'll just hang out in the living room. Got all that new furniture, can't let it go to waste." And with that, she heads up the stairs.

Sophia opens the door to the apartment, bouncing in and holding the door for the others to follow. "Voila! Oh, wait. You never did see how it looked before, did you. Anyway, it's much better now. So um... you asked me... um... what was it?" She scratches her head, unable to remember.

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